Yuki Saito’s Trouble with the Police: The Anguish Behind Her Comeback That Made Her Forget about the “W Affair” Six Years Ago | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Yuki Saito’s Trouble with the Police: The Anguish Behind Her Comeback That Made Her Forget about the “W Affair” Six Years Ago

Toshio Ishikawa, entertainment reporter, "Behind the Scenes" of the entertainment industry: ......

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Yuki Saito, who had an affair with her partner reported six years ago, is now in trouble with the police.

Toshio Ishikawa, entertainment reporter, tells us what’s going on behind the scenes in the world of show business.

Whether it is a man and a woman romance, brother and sisterly love, or as a counselor, I leave it to the readers to decide. The Weekly Bunshun again reported that the two were in trouble and the police were dispatched to the scene.


Ms. Saito’s agency official statement was, “They are not in a relationship.”

Mr. A also commented on the trouble, saying, “I am consulting with her about her pending divorce.”

He also told a reporter for Bunshun that he was consulting with her about the problem.

Let us return to the events of six years ago.

Ms. Saito admitted to having an affair.

“I relied too much on the man I was with, both as an actress and as a woman,” she commented.

After the affair, Mr. A divorced his wife and exposed a photo of himself wearing a pair of underwear that appeared to be Ms. Saito’s.

After the turmoil, “the affair already ended,” he announced.

He announced that the affair ended.

However, the cost of the affair was high.

Ms. Saito did not get a divorce, but she had to pay a penalty because she was appearing in a commercial. She also had to drop her radio program and the drama in which she was appearing. The damages were said to be in the tens of millions of yen.

Mr. A gave away almost all of his property in the divorce.

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