The destructive power of Emiko Kaminuma’s YouTube program guest appearances and the dramatic increase in subscribers | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The destructive power of Emiko Kaminuma’s YouTube program guest appearances and the dramatic increase in subscribers

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Emiko Kaminuma “descends” on the YouTube channel of her friend Tetsuji of Shampoo Hat.

The TV personality Emiko Kaminuma appeared as a guest on the YouTube channel “Tetsuji TV” of Tetsuji of the comedy duo Shampoo Hat, which was updated on November 19. She announced that she would soon launch “Kaminuma Emiko Channel”.

Kaminuma has been interested in YouTube for a long time and praised the skills of the editing staff of “Tetsuji TV”, which she said she loves. He asked Tetsuji if he could introduce him to help him edit his own channel, and Tetsuji readily agreed.

Kaminuma and Tetsuji have known each other for 20 years, and Kaminuma confidently declared that they are the best of friends. Uenuma confidently declared that he was his “best friend.” He also blurted out, “I have about 200 friends who are just on the surface.

Tetsuji appears on Mr. Kaminuma’s radio every other week and is his favorite. He is a big fan of Uenuma’s radio show, and since his breakup with Yuta Kajiwara of “King Kong” fame, he seems to have a crush on Tetsuji.

When Tetsuji welcomed Kaminuma to the channel, he showed him the utmost hospitality. The set’s lighting and tatami mats had been replaced with new ones. He also prepared tea in expensive bottles and colorful tissues on the table, which cost 10,000 yen per box.

And that’s not all. Tetsuji even prepared a gift for Kaminuma. He hired a company to make a stuffed animal in the shape of Kaminuma.

Uenuma-san was delighted to see the cute stuffed animal. The ears of the doll were pierced and a necklace was attached to the neck.

Moreover, it was impossible to order just one doll from a vendor, so they made 100 of them. Mr. Kaminuma was so impressed that he offered to buy them all, but Tetsuji showed his manly spirit by saying, “Let me be cool.

The staff also presented Kaminuma with artificial strawberries, his birthday flower on April 13, and anemones, whose language is “I love you.

Before Kaminuma’s appearance, “Tetsuji TV” had 3,500 subscribers, but within a few days of his appearance, the number of subscribers increased to 5,800. I believe that Tetsuji’s collaboration with Kaminuma-san will increase the number of YouTube subscribers in the future. I think this collaboration is an investment in the future.” (Wide show insider)

Kaminuma also provided a service that she rarely shows on TV, by bringing a panel of two shots of her and her husband from their first marriage. Uenuma said that she was fed up with the “battle for ratings” on TV, and expressed her true feelings about wanting to do things freely on YouTube. In fact, this is the essence of the current TV situation.

Kaminuma’s current regular TV programs are “Uenuma & Takada no Kugizuke! (Yomiuri TV) and “Emiko Kaminuma’s Chatterbox Cooking” (TV Asahi).

(Yomiuri TV) and “Emiko Uenuma’s Chattering Cooking” (TV Asahi), but most of the viewers who like Mr. Uenuma are the older generation, known as the third tier. TV stations target the core audience, which is the younger generation, and the F2 audience, which is the women who hold the wallets of their families.

No matter how high the household viewership rating is, Mr. Kaminuma’s program is very low for those segments. TV stations are preparing for the end of Mr. Kaminuma’s program at any time while trying out several successor programs as specials,” said a TV station insider.

In the video, Uenuma says that the deaths of Kazuko Hosoki and Jakucho Setouchi, with whom he had a close relationship, have “extinguished his light. In an exclusive memoir published in the monthly magazine Bungeishunju, he also revealed that he “thought about retiring” after the sudden loss of the show he had devoted his life to.

As the number of subscribers to “Tetsuji TV” has increased dramatically, if the older generation is interested in Kaminuma’s YouTube program, it has the potential to be a huge success. The day may soon come when the “Empress of Kansai TV” will disappear from TV and shift her main battlefield to YouTube.

  • Photo Kyodo News

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