Riisa Naka Shocked Fans in Her Daring and Sparkling Net Tights and Flashy Leotard Outfit! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Riisa Naka Shocked Fans in Her Daring and Sparkling Net Tights and Flashy Leotard Outfit!

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Actress Riisa Naka (33) updated her Instagram. She surprised her fans by posting an image of herself in a flamboyant costume that made her look like an American comic book female hero.

Naka wore a gold leotard-like outfit and net tights. The amount of exposure was unintentionally exciting.(From her Instagram @riisa1018naka)

On October 15, Naka reported on Instagram that she went to a live concert of British artist Sam Smith, of whom she is a big fan.

“Sam-chan….I haven’t seen you in 5 years. Thank you for a great LIVE, I went to support you with GLORIA the tour image outfit and makeup. I’ve always loved you~ and thank you for always doing the best makeup.”

Naka, who wrote about her love for Sam Smith in the caption, posted a photo of herself in a gorgeous gold leotard-like outfit.

Fans commented on her glimmering appearance, “Her presence is out of this world,” “Isn’t she the one who’s at the concert?” Naka also posted a photo of herself in the outfit.

In addition to the photos, Naka also posted an overly sexy dance video of her shaking her butt in a flirtatious manner. Her dancing skills and her style are truly impressive.

Naka has been showing off her cool and unique fashion style on her Instagram. We are looking forward to seeing more of her beauty and creativity, which knows no bounds.

Riisa Naka in sexy revealing outfit of net tights and flashy leotard (from her Instagram @riisa1018naka)
Riisa Naka in net tights and a flamboyant leotard in a sexy revealing outfit (from her Instagram @ riisa1018naka)
Riisa Naka in sexy revealing outfit of net tights and flamboyant leotard (from her Instagram @riisa1018naka)

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