From MET Dreams to Family Matters: Mako and Kei Komuro’s Evolving Life in New York | FRIDAY DIGITAL

From MET Dreams to Family Matters: Mako and Kei Komuro’s Evolving Life in New York

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Kei Komuro shopping at a drugstore in New York City

“As early as the first half of last year, Mako Komuro was said to be open to working in New York. In particular, it was said that she was a good match for the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET), but without any serious involvement, she has not been heard from, and there is no longer any official talk of employment,” said a journalist from the Imperial Household.

The main reason for this is believed to be that her husband, Kei Komuro, has passed the New York State bar exam and can now expect to earn a certain amount of money.


“It is said that his annual income, which was previously estimated to be around 6 million yen working as a legal assistant at a law firm, has increased to 25 million yen or even 30 million yen with the title of attorney. Although it depends on the level of living he is aiming for in New York, it is likely that he has been able to take a break.”


On the other hand, the MET had high expectations for the new curator. In addition to his current abilities as a curator, he must have seen the benefits of having a close relationship with Ms. Mako. The mood at the time was that the prospect of holding an exhibition related to the San-no-Maru Shōzōkan, a facility under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Household Agency that houses numerous works of art related to the Imperial Family, including national treasures, seemed to be opening up. Of course, there is a view that even if they are not working as employees, it would be good if they continue to work closely together and maintain a good relationship.

In the midst of all this, there was a report in Josei Seven that the couple might be moving into a 200-million-yen mansion on a rental basis.

The location was to be in the suburbs of New York. Whether or not they will move into the 200-million-yen mansion, there is no doubt that they are moving with their growing family in mind.

At one time, there was talk of Kei’s mother, Kayo, visiting New York. 


It is said that Mako did not have a positive reaction to the idea of moving in together, although that is of course a possibility. This time, rather than Kayo, there are many who believe that the move was made with an awareness of the fact that they would be blessed with a new family for both of them. Even the Imperial Household Agency seems to be keeping a distant but constant watch on the couple’s movements, and I hear that they have the impression that the couple is shifting their focus from their work to their pregnancy.

They got married two years ago in October. And they will both turn 32 this October.

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