Assault on the stairs of a restaurant and a pension… Korean idol “Trial postponed in third indecent assault case” – the contents of the horrifying crime. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Assault on the stairs of a restaurant and a pension… Korean idol “Trial postponed in third indecent assault case” – the contents of the horrifying crime.

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Himchan was charged for the third time in an obscenity case. He is currently in prison (PHOTO: Keizo Mori/Afro)

On September 25, the trial of an indecent assault case finally began.

The accused is Himchan, 33, a member of the Korean male idol group B.A.P. The trial was originally scheduled to begin on September 6, but there were special circumstances that delayed it by nearly three weeks.

Himchan has been indicted in several indecent assault cases, and during the trial of the second indecent assault case, we found out that he had been indicted in a third case. Himchan requested that the trials of the second and third cases be held together, which the court accepted, and the trial (for the second case) was postponed.

An elite graduate of a very difficult university

B.A.P.” is a famous idol group in Japan. Himchan also has many fans at home and abroad.

Since their debut in January 2012, “B.A.P.” has been a popular group not only in Korea but also in the United States, where they have ranked No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard album chart. Among them, Himchan is known as one of the elite.

He is a graduate of the Korea National University of Arts and Sciences, a very difficult university. He specializes in traditional Korean music and has been featured in textbooks. He is also known for his love of cooking and was often reported in the media cooking meals. He is fluent in Japanese and often comes to Japan on Japan tours.

What kind of indecent cases have been discovered against former top idols one after another?

The first case occurred in the summer of 2006. At a pension in the city of South Yangju in northern South Korea, he groped a woman who refused to let him touch her, saying, ‘Stop it! He is alleged to have touched a woman who refused to let him touch her. Himchan denied the charges at the first trial, but at the appeal hearing, he turned around and admitted to the charges and submitted a letter of remorse, saying, “I will compensate you as much as I can. He was sentenced to 10 months in prison and ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program, which he is currently serving.

The second incident occurred in April ’22 at a restaurant in Hannam-dong, downtown Seoul. Himchan sexually assaulted two women who were eating together on the stairs outside the restaurant. The women filed a police report. Himchan will pay about 1 million yen to each of them and is seeking a settlement,” said a reporter for a sports newspaper.

In the third case, the details of which have not been disclosed, he is alleged to have sexually harassed a young woman in Eunpyeong-gu, northwest Seoul.

In both cases, Himchan has expressed remorse, but after three indecent assaults, it is only natural that prosecutors would seek heavy penalties.

Himchan, on the other hand, is not very convincing, saying that he is sorry for the victim and that he hopes he will be punished for good behavior because there is little chance of reoffending. Even though he is undergoing a sexual assault treatment program, would a third party think that he has a low possibility of re-offending after three incidents?

The former top idol not only inflicted a serious wound on the victim’s heart, but also betrayed the expectations of her fans. Even if he repeats his apologies, it will be difficult for him to regain what he has lost. The unusual trial, during which he is in prison, will continue after October.

  • PHOTO. Keizo Mori/Afro

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