Yutabon and Yuzuma Ryu, who “insulated” themselves from the “beautiful conversation” with Yutabon, now directly attacked a popular junior high school YouTube star for his “unceasing annoyance”. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Yutabon and Yuzuma Ryu, who “insulated” themselves from the “beautiful conversation” with Yutabon, now directly attacked a popular junior high school YouTube star for his “unceasing annoyance”.

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Hezumaryu (left) and Yutabon (right), who had been close friends with each other… (From Hezumaryu’s official “X” page)

On September 20, Yutabon, a YouTube star who has been truant from school, announced on his SNS that he and Hezumaryu, the original annoying YouTube star, had “cut ties.

Hezumaryu and I have cut off our relationship.

Yutabon reported on his SNS.

Yutabon also reported the same “severance” on his YouTube channel. Hezuma and I met about four years ago and hit it off. They became “best friends.

As for the reason for the breakup, Yutabon said

Yutabon said, “I go to school now, and I have a lot of decent friends, and I don’t want to get involved with someone who is bothering people and flaming people.

I have been out of school since the third grade of elementary school. Yutabon, who had been out of school since the third grade of elementary school, made his first appearance in the third year of junior high school, the last year of compulsory education. He has made friends and seems to be having a good time.

Hezuma, on the other hand, is a member of …….

Hezuma, on the other hand, has declared on SNS that he and Yutabon have “broken off” their relationship. Hezuma was not upset at all, but posted a memorable photo of Yutabon and said

Thank you for everything, Yutabon. I was happy to hear you are going to school. Criminals like me are nothing but harm to you, so I’m going to cut ties with you.

He continued. He continued.

“Yutabon, you decided to go to school, didn’t you? You didn’t take orders from your no-good father, did you? Then I’m cutting you off. If you’re serious about going to school, hanging out with a social misfit like me will only be a negative thing.

You don’t have to come back to the social networking world again. Just don’t commit crimes and enjoy school.”

He also wrote, “Don’t commit crimes, and enjoy school.

Both of them have a lot of anti-crime fans, so many people treat it as a joke, but a person who knows them said, “I think they are serious this time.

But a person who knows them said, “I think they are serious this time.

But a person who knows them said, “I think they are serious this time.

Because of their flaming image, their exchange may seem like a fake, but I think their friendship is real. In June of this year, Hezuma married Shi-chan, aka “Hezuma’s Wife,” but more than 20 people cancelled the wedding on the day.

While some people put other things in the congratulatory gift or turned in videos, Yutabon was the only one who brought a gift wrapped in formal attire and in the correct amount of money. Hezuma was very moved by this.

Yutabon has broken away from “truancy,” and Hezuma dared to “insulate” himself from Yutabon in order to support him. If the story had gone this far, it would have ended on a positive note, as if Hazuma, who was even arrested for being an annoying YouTube star, had a “good heart”. ……

On September 21, Hezuma directly attacked Namaz-kun, a member of the popular junior high school YouTuber “Chonmage-ko,” who is rapidly gaining popularity. He published a video of the incident on X.

The reason for the attack was that Hezuma had unilaterally sent him a DM requesting a collaboration and he had ignored it. Namazu, who was “attacked” when he was leaving school, was terrified,” said a sports newspaper reporter.

(Sports newspaper reporter) This was met with a lot of criticism on the Internet.

What he’s doing is just plain bad.
“Are you an idiot, a grown man doing this to a child?

The comments criticizing Hezuma were lined up.

Hezuma’s reputation seemed to have improved after his “beautiful story” with Yutabon. However, it seems that he has not gotten rid of his “annoying nature. ……

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