Kenichi Mikawa’s “I knew it” was the most persuasive of all the celebrities who mentioned the Johnny’s’s issue, “It’s just a rumor. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Kenichi Mikawa’s “I knew it” was the most persuasive of all the celebrities who mentioned the Johnny’s’s issue, “It’s just a rumor.

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The words of an “opinionated” person still have weight… (November 21, 2002 issue)

Kenichi Mikawa (77) has been the focus of attention for what he said about the “Janie Kitagawa sexual assault issue.

Kenichi Mikawa’s annual concert “Kenichi Mikawa Dramatic Chanson 2023,” one of Mikawa’s life works, was held for the first time in about a year. Although he is rarely seen in person these days, Mikawa is known as “the opinionated man of the entertainment world. That should not have changed even now. Needless to say, with the current flood of news related to Johnny’s, including the same issue, all media would like to gather as many related topics as possible.

In particular, everyone wants to know how those who have been in the entertainment industry for a long time perceived Mr. Janney’s sexual assault. In particular, the opinionated people who are known for their unspoken opinions were eager to hear what they had to say, and expectations were high for Mikawa.

Mikawa met these expectations with aplomb. When asked by a member of the press, “Have you heard any rumors? Mikawa replied, “I have known about it for a long time,

I knew about it all along. I was totally absorbed in it. Everyone was pretending not to hear or see the rumors, but what Mr. Inohara (Yoshihiko) said left a deep impression on me.

I think that if we had done something about the incident earlier, there might not have been so many victims. I think that if we had done something about it earlier, there would have been fewer victims.

When asked if he had heard from any of the victims, he replied, “No, I have not. When asked if he had heard from any of the victims, he replied, “No, but I don’t think they told me,

I did not say so, even if I had asked. He kept his mouth tightly closed and did not speak. He would laugh and cover it up. That was the era.

He looked back on those days. Mikawa, who clearly admitted that he “knew” about the fact that the old-timers in the entertainment world only talked about it as a “rumor,” was praised on the Internet.

Emiko Uenuma said on her program, “I am not an opinionated person, but I heard that it was a rumor. I had heard rumors about it. What are you talking about? Akiko Wada, Fumio Umezawa, and others who are known as “opinion leaders in the entertainment industry” have never said that they clearly knew about the sexual assault. Only Mr. Mikawa was different, and I thought that was very impressive.

Some people in the entertainment industry have been asking why she didn’t tell them earlier.

If I had said I didn’t know, I would have been accused of being a liar! I can see the accusations coming. If I said, ‘I knew,’ I would be accused again of ‘Why didn’t you tell me? So it was safer to say “rumor.

It is a shameful story, but we were waiting for someone like Mr. Mikawa, who can say whatever he wants to say, to say that he knew about it.

At any rate, Mikawa’s reputation has been well rewarded. Mikawa is now back in the spotlight as a “sounding board” figure. When Mr. Kitagawa was still alive, he said to Mikawa, “You should have stopped this,

I would have liked to see him scold her, “You, enough!

I wish he would have scolded him when he was still alive.

Kenichi Mikawa with a keen eye (November 21, 2002 issue)
  • PHOTO Takahiro Kagawa

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