Providing the cost of plastic surgery! The Tragedy of “Mass-produced Host Faces” and “Plastic Surgery Swamps” Behind Host Clubs’ Generous Welfare Plans | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Providing the cost of plastic surgery! The Tragedy of “Mass-produced Host Faces” and “Plastic Surgery Swamps” Behind Host Clubs’ Generous Welfare Plans

The reality of Reiwa 4 years later, Kabukicho is now ...... #68

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A message of thanks from a host to an orthopedist on an ad truck passing by Shinjuku Station

Every year from summer to early fall is the season for job-hunting activities in anticipation of companies hiring new employees in the fall. The number of people changing jobs is increasing every year. In 2010, more than 3 million people changed jobs. Job hunters are probably concerned about the benefits and compensation packages offered by each company.

In terms of benefits alone, host clubs offer a frightening array of benefits.

I was paid for everything from moving to Tokyo to living expenses after I joined the club,” says host Akito.

Akito (pseudonym, 20), a host, moved to Tokyo from Toyama two years ago.

Akito said, “Some hosts came to my hometown on a company trip to scout out local areas. They approached me and bought me dinner. They paid for my transportation to Tokyo, and for two months I was paid 100% back on my subtotal sales (minus taxes and service charges), and the dormitory was free. I didn’t even have a good job, so I came straight to Tokyo the next day.

It is not uncommon for such establishments to cover the cost of moving to Tokyo. Some even cover the cost of round-trip transportation just to come in for an interview. There are even some that will pay an additional 5,000 yen to cover travel expenses just for an interview. Even going to such lengths, host clubs are always looking to increase the number of cast members.

Host clubs are always in need of more staff,” says one person who has worked at eight host clubs in Kabukicho.

Ryosuke (pseudonym, 27) has been working in Kabukicho for eight years. He used to be a host, but now works as a backstage worker in a host club.

Even if you scout a lot of girls, only a few of them will sell. Most of them make less than 500,000 yen a month in subtotal sales. Their daily wage is about 7,000 to 9,000 yen, which is less than an ordinary salaryman, so it’s low cost. If they sell, they make a profit, and even if they don’t sell, the store gets some money. If we don’t increase the total number of employees, we won’t be able to create successful ones,” he said.

Transportation allowances and rent subsidies are common benefits offered by most companies. However, host clubs in Kabukicho offer more.

Recently, an increasing number of host clubs offer a “plastic surgery allowance. New hostesses are often not very innocent,” he says.

In order to help new recruits make money as quickly as possible, the clubs will cover the cost of plastic surgery.

The risk is that the process of plastic surgery will be closely followed on YouTube and social networking sites. In many cases, there are conditions attached, such as a minimum enrollment and working period or a sales quota.

A search on a major host club job site, narrowed down to the Kanto area and including the conditions “plastic surgery fee paid and discount available,” turned up a whopping 87 hits. However, the environment in which this kind of plastic surgery is readily available is causing tragedy for the hosts.

The host’s own experience with the Kabukicho company is that they are not always the best at what they do,” says Mr. Kato. Especially when you go to a Kabukicho-based plastic surgeon, you have to be very careful.

Host Masaki (pseudonym, 26) himself was one of those who were addicted to plastic surgery and living in dire poverty, despite making several million yen a month. Rubbing his nose with a prosthesis with his finger and smiling wryly, he revealed the mechanism by which hosts become addicted to the “plastic surgery swamp.

A host with a monthly income of 3 million yen will spend about 1 million yen every month on gifts for girls, meals, and his own living expenses. It is a matter of course to give back to the girls who are paying tribute to you. In Kabukicho, there is a tendency for those who make a lot of money to act like successful girls, so they have a lot of miscellaneous expenses. It makes you feel insecure if sales don’t continue to grow even though you are losing your financial sense.

Plastic surgery is now a kind of tranquilizer for hosts.

Most hosts turn to plastic surgery when sales are slow. However, some plastic surgeons have become so cozy with the stores that their standard of beauty has become “Kabukicho. Kabukicho has a different standard of beauty from that of idols, etc., and some plastic surgeons who only perform procedures that make them look like hosts lose the ability to get the correct drawing as a plastic surgeon.

If you are going to use plastic surgery benefits, it is important to have a clear vision in your mind. It is not uncommon for a person to grow old and end up …… with debts from plastic surgery and a mass-produced host face that does not work outside of Kabukicho” (see above).

It seems that it is no different in Kabukicho than it is in the general job market, so even if a job offer seems favorable, it is best not to jump in too easily.

Sasaki Chihuahua
Born in Tokyo in 2000. After attending an integrated school in Tokyo from elementary school to high school, he went on to Keio University, where he has been living in Kabukicho since he was 15 years old and has a wide network of contacts. At university, he is studying the sociology of the downtown area, including Kabukicho. His book, ” Pien” to shakai” (“The Disease of ‘Pien’: Consumption and Approval of the SNS Generation”), is now on sale.

From the September 15-22, 2023 issue of “FRIDAY

  • Interview and text Sasaki Chihuahua

    Born in Tokyo in 2000. After attending an integrated school in Tokyo from elementary school to high school, he went on to Keio University, where he has been living in Kabukicho since he was 15 years old and has a wide range of personal connections. At university, he is studying the sociology of the downtown area, including Kabukicho. His book, "Pien" to SNS Seikatsu to Seiketsu no Shohi" (The Disease of "Pien": Consumption and Approval of the SNS Generation) is now on sale.

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