Let’s eat a lot of food before we go to Fukushima … Korean national basketball team players “blazing before Japan training camp” What’s in the Insta. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Let’s eat a lot of food before we go to Fukushima … Korean national basketball team players “blazing before Japan training camp” What’s in the Insta.

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Ho Hoon has come under fire for a post on his Instagram. He is a key player on the South Korean national basketball team (PHOTO: Kyodo News)

The discharge of treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which began in August, has caused unexpected ripples between Japan and South Korea. Heo Hoon, 28, a member of the South Korean men’s basketball team, has been under fire for a post he made on Instagram on September 4.

Before introducing the contents of Ho Hoon’s post, we would like to look back at the events leading up to the uproar.

The Korean national basketball team was holding a training camp from September 5 to 11 in Fukushima, Sendai, and other locations before the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, which will be held from September 23. During their stay in Japan, they played practice games with professional teams. The Korean Basketball Association explained why they chose Japan for their training camp. Japanese teams are of a high level. The quality of the teams will be better than practicing in Japan.

A photo of a large serving of snow crab legs: ……

Meanwhile, there were concerns in South Korea that the training camp would be held in Fukushima, where the release of treated water has begun.

In a September 5 article, “The Seoul Daily News” reported that there were concerns about the health of the athletes. In response to the article, the Basketball Association responded, ‘We will pay sufficient attention to ensure that there are no problems with the physical condition or safety of the players.

The story that caused such an uproar was Heo Hoon’s Instagram post. Heo Hoon posted a photo of fellow national team player Ha Younggi laughing in front of a plate with a large amount of snow crab legs on it. Heo Hoon wrote, “I ate a lot of food before going to Fukushima, Japan.

Let’s eat a lot before we go to Fukushima, Japan, Yoongi!

This post provoked Japanese fans. He received a string of critical comments about Ho Hoon.

If you’re so worried about him, don’t come here.

Don’t eat anything in Japan.

Although the Japanese government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) have repeatedly explained the safety of the treated water that has been released, the concerns of neighboring countries such as China and South Korea have not been allayed. Restaurants and other establishments in Fukushima Prefecture have been inundated with phone calls complaining about the situation. Some of them have protested without carefully examining the facts, which has caused friction between them and Japan. Heo Hoon’s post has the risk of becoming a major source of discord between Japan and South Korea if the flames continue to rage.

  • PHOTO Kyodo News

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