Naniwa boys “Daigo Nishihata” hot topic of conversation…common “items” among Japanese talents in secret meetings. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Naniwa boys “Daigo Nishihata” hot topic of conversation…common “items” among Japanese talents in secret meetings.

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The August 10 issue of “Shukan Bunshunshun” (Bungei Shunju) scooped the passionate love affair between Naniwa Boys’ Daigo Nishihata (26) and Yomiuri TV announcer Natsuyasu Adachi (24). According to the magazine, Nishihata spent the night at Adachi’s apartment and was wearing a “blond wig” when he left. The magazine reported that Nishihata was photographed leaving a woman’s house in disguise, an unusual behavior that sent shockwaves through the Japanese fans.

Travis Japan’s Yoshizawa’s secret meeting as captured by this magazine.

According to the article, Nishihata visited Adachi’s home on the evening of July 30. After the concert in Osaka, he took a cab to the neighborhood and entered the apartment through the back door, despite his wariness.

In the article, a source who knows Adachi Anna talks about their encounter. They met through a shared acquaintance when she was a university student, and commented, ‘Soon after, they developed a serious relationship and have been dating for about a year and a half’ (original text in Japanese, same below). Nishihata was staying in Osaka for a concert at the time, so he probably went to Adachi’s room before returning to Tokyo” (entertainment writer).

About 12 hours later, at around 10:00 a.m. on the 31st, Nishihata left the apartment. She was wearing the same hat as the night before, but “her golden bobbed hair was swinging” under it. When the magazine contacted the Johnny’s office, they explained that she was having a party with several friends at Adachi’s house. They replied, “One of the party goods was this wig, and I put it on and went out.” …… When the article spread on the Internet, people laughed, saying, “The excuse from the office is too bitter.

Meanwhile, Johnny’s fans paid attention not only to the blonde wig but also to Nishihata’s clothing. When he was photographed by Bunshun at his apartment, Nishihata was wearing a black bucket hat. In fact, Nishihata was wearing a black bucket hat when he was photographed by Bunshun at his apartment. group’s Daiharu Fukumoto, and 7 MEN Samurai’s Katsuki Mototaka also wore “Bakeha.

The news site “Bunshun Online” reported on the love affair between Sato, Fukumoto, and Mototaka. The article (December 2008) reported that Sato had “stayed over” at actress Noai Tsurushima’s house many times, and in the photo captioned “December 11, Sato left Tsurushima’s house in the afternoon,” he was wearing a black Bakeha. He was wearing a black bucket.

In addition, Fukumoto was caught on a date with a woman by “Bunshun Online” in March ’21 and Motoko in August ’22, both of them were wearing black buckets.

Furthermore, last March, “Friday” reported that Travis Japan’s Yoshizawa has been dating an older hairdresser, Ms. A, for four years. In the scene where he was walking away from her, Yoshizawa was also wearing a black baquette. This precedent has led to a lot of attention among Johnny’s fans on social networking sites,

Johnny’s who are in love with each other are all wearing black buckets.
Johnny’s should no longer wear the black bucket.
Johnny’s should ban the black Bakeha. It’s already the “curse of the black Bakeha.

This is already the “curse of the black Bakeha”. It is simply because the black Bakeha itself has become popular, but for fans, it has become one of the items that cause negative feelings.

As for Nishihata, some people also reacted to the T-shirt he was wearing as he walked to his apartment. He is carrying a backpack at this time, and if you look closely, you can see English logos such as “M” and “B” on the chest.

It is said that this is a T-shirt of “BARK AT THE MOON,” an apparel brand of Yumemaru, a member of popular YouTuber Tokai On Air. Indeed, when we checked the brand’s sales website, we found a product called “[BARK AT THE MOON] Logo-tee HOLD MY BEER” and Nishihata’s T-shirt looked very similar. Nishihata is an avowed fan of Tokai On Air,” said an entertainment writer.

In the future, Japanese celebrities who meet women should be careful about what they wear.

  • Photo Junsei Todoroki

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