Nanako Matsushima’s “Bold Blue Cardigan and Black Pants” Delights Fans! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Nanako Matsushima’s “Bold Blue Cardigan and Black Pants” Delights Fans!

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Matsushima at a film festival (AFLO)

The drama “SUPER RICH” is a Fuji TV Thursday theater show that starts on October 14. The popular actress Noriko Eguchi plays the role of “Glacier Ye,” the maverick female president of a venture company. According to the drama’s official website, it is a “completely original drama that depicts the roller coaster ride of a career woman’s checkered life as she pursues the “super rich” form of happiness.

In the drama, Matsushima plays a senior colleague of the main character. She plays the role of Satomi Shimatani, an overly beautiful super career woman. She is the director of MEDIA, a major IT company, and she is said to have trained the main character who joined MEDIA as a fresh graduate.

The official Instagram account has now released a photo of Matsushima’s appearance in episode 5.

“I’m not sure what to say. I’m not sure what to make of it. I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that I’m not the only one who’s a fan of the show.

Matsushima is wearing a blue woolen cardigan over a blue, green, and black patterned collared shirt. She wears a blue woolen cardigan over a blue, green, and black patterned collared shirt, and black pants underneath, with the left half of the shirt tucked in and the other half tucked out. “Her left hand is in the pocket of her pants, and her right hand is holding a green Gucci handbag. It’s a gorgeous outfit.

Matsushima is looking straight at the camera and smiling gently. I’m sure that many of her fans are thrilled to see her in this photo.

It is said that this is her third breakthrough since “Housekeeper’s Mita” in 2011.

We can’t take our eyes off Matsushima any longer. ……!

  • Photo AFLO

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