Former Doshisha football team member who assaulted multiple college women with a “conveniently thought that he might be able to have sexual intercourse with them”…Shocking true picture of the former Doshisha football team member. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Former Doshisha football team member who assaulted multiple college women with a “conveniently thought that he might be able to have sexual intercourse with them”…Shocking true picture of the former Doshisha football team member.

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Clark Memorial Hall, a symbol of Doshisha University

One of the defendants recalled, “People around me told me it was okay to take it home, and I conveniently thought that I might be able to have sexual intercourse with it.”

One of the defendants recalled in response to a question from the defense.

On August 10, the Kyoto District Court heard questions from the accused in a case in which four former members of the Doshisha University American football team sexually assaulted a female student. The three defendants who appeared in court that day were Hiroki Katai, Yugo Yamada, and Ryo Makino (all 22 years old) (the remaining defendant, Ken Hamada, was tried separately). The former members of the club are accused of having quasi-forcible sexual intercourse.

The defendants approached Ms. A, a college student in her 20s, on a street in Kyoto City and went to a bar with her. When Ms. A became inebriated after being drunk for a long time, they took her to the home of one of the defendants and had sexual intercourse with her one after another. They took her to the home of one of the defendants and had sexual intercourse with her one after another.

When Ms. A regained consciousness, she told them the name of her college, which was a lie, fearing that the crime would be discovered. The defendants expressed their remorse, saying that they did not consider whether or not Ms. A consented to their actions and that they were sorry for their indiscretion in committing the crimes.

FRIDAY Digital” reported in detail on the assaults committed by the former football team members in an article distributed on September 10, 2010. We would like to recount the whole unforgivable crime by recounting the whole story (some parts have been corrected).

The assault was filmed with a smartphone.

‘Drink more!’

The strong men relentlessly offered alcohol to the women. After being forced to drink several highly alcoholic cocktails, the woman was so dazed that she was unable to walk properly. The men put the drunken woman in a cab and took her to the main suspect’s apartment.

On September 8, 2010, the Kyoto Prefectural Police’s Investigation Section 1 arrested four men on suspicion of quasi-forcible sexual intercourse. The four defendants were Katai, Yamada, Makino, and Hamada. All were members of the Doshisha University American football team at the time.

The incident occurred in the early morning hours of May 21 of the same year. The four men were drinking alcohol in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, and approached women they had never met before on the street. The defendants went to a nearby bar with the women and persistently offered alcohol to one of them, a female university student, A. After drinking for more than three hours, A became intoxicated.

After more than three hours of drinking, Ms. A became unconscious, and the four men took her to Katai’s house and, taking advantage of her inability to resist, sexually assaulted her one after another for an hour starting after 4:30 a.m. The assaults were captured on a smart phone. They also filmed the assaults with a smartphone. Probably, he had Ms. A drink with the intention of indecent assault from the beginning.

Defendant Katai (from Doshisha University football team website. Now deleted)

Ms. A submits a damage report to the Kyoto Prefectural Police on the same afternoon. When the police checked the security camera near Katai’s house, they saw four people taking Ms. A into a room. They identified the defendants from the footage and arrested them. At the time, the police did not confirm or deny the defendants’ guilt.

Doshisha University’s football team was founded in 1940, and its team name was “Wild Rover. The team is a member of the Kansai Student First Division League, which includes Kwansei Gakuin University and Ritsumeikan University, and boasts a prestigious history of two championships. Immediately after the incident, the university’s president, Asako Ueki, issued the following statement

We take this extremely serious situation very seriously and offer our deepest sympathies to those who have been affected and our sincere apologies for causing such a stir in society.

Following the incident, the Doshisha University football team was suspended for three months. The team was relegated to the second division after withdrawing from the league.” The team resumed activities in December 2010 and participated in official spring games while making social contributions such as cleaning up the local community.

Defendant Yamada (from the Doshisha University football team website. Now deleted)
Makino (from the website of the Doshisha University football team. It has since been deleted.)
Hamada (from the Doshisha University football team website. (From the Doshisha University football team’s website, now deleted)

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