Eiffel sister” Matsukawa Rui, a member of the Diet, cancels a meeting to “hang” her hometown Osaka at the last minute, but even within the LDP, she is “under siege. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Eiffel sister” Matsukawa Rui, a member of the Diet, cancels a meeting to “hang” her hometown Osaka at the last minute, but even within the LDP, she is “under siege.

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LDP House of Councilors member Rui Matsukawa, who has earned the title of “Eiffel’s sister

It seems that her political career has been severely damaged in four days and two nights.

Rui Matsukawa, a member of the House of Councilors of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), left for France for a study tour with 38 members of the LDP Women’s Bureau. However, the “training” was only called “training” and the visit lasted only six hours. Afterwards, she uploaded a photo of herself posing glamorously at the Eiffel Tower in Paris on a social networking service, and was loudly booed by the public.

At first, Mr. Matsukawa apologized, but then said

“It was a very serious training program.

However, when the tone of his apology turned sour, the tone was toned down. On the Internet, there was a lot of “Eiffel-sister” comments.

“Eiffel’s sister.

She was even dubbed “Eiffel’s sister” on the Internet.

Finally, his hometown, Osaka, has asked him to “leave.” ……

On the 7th of this month, the Hirakata City branch of the Liberal Democratic Party in Osaka, based on a resolution passed at a regular meeting of its board of directors, asked Secretary-General Toshimitsu Mogi to remove Matsukawa from his post as branch chief of the upper house election district. The document reads.

‘We are dismayed at the France post.

I assume that the accumulation of such indiscretions by the executive branch of the Osaka Prefectural Federation of Trade Unions has resulted in today’s Osaka Prefectural Federation of Trade Unions.

The letter is harshly worded.

The LDP in Osaka Prefecture suffered a heavy defeat in the April local elections due to the “Ishin whirlwind. Unable to field its own candidate in the double election for governor and mayor of Osaka City, the LDP voluntarily supported a candidate backed by a political group opposed to the Restoration Movement.

In preparation for the next lower house election, new branch chiefs for the prefecture’s eight constituencies were chosen through an open recruitment process.

A source in Nagata-cho said, “In a manner of saying, ‘It is impossible for Mr. Matsukawa to be the branch chief of the constituency,’ with the next lower house election in mind.

In addition, the local councilors suddenly received a letter informing them that a “liaison meeting of officers” would be held on the 10th and a “liaison council of general affairs committee members” on the 17th. The agenda for both meetings was “France inspection tour,” and the invitation to the meeting on the 10th stated

The invitation to the meeting on October 10 stated, “This meeting is completely closed to the media.”

The invitation to the board liaison meeting on October 10 stated that the meeting would be “completely closed to the media this time. Since Mr. Matsukawa is a member of the executive liaison committee, he could not just ignore the meeting.

They probably wanted to hang Matsukawa in a completely closed-door meeting with the media so that she would say from her own mouth that she was resigning from her position as the district director.

The pale-faced Matsukawa cried out to her “boss,” Secretary General Mogi. He ordered Tomu Tanigawa, president of the Osaka Prefectural Federation, to cancel the meeting, and as a result, on August 9, he sent a message to each member of the Diet, saying, “The meeting has been canceled.

“The meeting has been canceled.

The Osaka Prefectural Federation of Trade Unions, which had been calling for his ouster, was notified that the meeting had been canceled.

Most of the members of the Osaka Prefectural Federation, who had been calling for his ouster, were outraged. Although the meeting was canceled, it does not change the fact that Mr. Matsukawa is under siege. There is also criticism of Secretary General Mogi, who requested the cancellation of the meeting.

For “Eiffel’s sister,” who enjoyed her training in France, it must be hell from heaven. She was considering switching to the House of Representatives in the near future, but she is in no condition to fight. According to a source in the Nagata-cho district mentioned above, “She will eventually become a minister,

She had an ambition to eventually become a minister ……, but she has made a mistake. If it weren’t for the Eiffel photo, the situation would be different.

The other members of the women’s bureau resent him, and some LDP members are even saying, “He should resign from the Diet! I can hear some of the LDP members saying, “He should resign from the Diet! However, those who are saying so are also angry that their “overseas training” program has been singled out for criticism because of Matsukawa. A “study tour abroad” by a Diet member is half like a sightseeing trip,” said Mr. Matsukawa, who is still under fire.

Matsukawa, who is still under fire, has not given a detailed explanation to the public about his training in France …… or “tourism” in France. It seems that he is trying to let the fuss fade away, but he will not be allowed to get away with it.

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