The UN Human Rights Commissioner questions the “transparency and legitimacy” of Johnny’s’s Sexual Assault…and the “seriousness” of the “Special Team for the Prevention of Recurrence. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The UN Human Rights Commissioner questions the “transparency and legitimacy” of Johnny’s’s Sexual Assault…and the “seriousness” of the “Special Team for the Prevention of Recurrence.

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Members of the “Johnny’s Sexual Assault Parties Association” at a press conference. The UN has stepped up to the plate. ……

On August 4, experts from the UN Human Rights Council’s Working Group on Business and Human Rights held a press conference at the Japan Press Club in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. There, he discussed the issue of sexual assault by Johnny’s.

The experts pointed out the deeply disturbing allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse of hundreds of Japanese talent.

The report has caused a stir by pointing out harshly that “hundreds of talents have been involved in sexual exploitation and abuse,” among other things.

The report was released after the working group investigated the issue as a human rights issue in Japan by interviewing former Johnny’s Jr. and other former victims of sexual abuse by the former president of Johnny’s, Mr. Kitagawa (87 in 1919).

Pichamon Yeopantong, a member of the working group, said.

Pichamon Yeopantong, a member of the working group, criticized the government and the companies involved with the victims we met with for showing no signs of taking measures to deal with the situation.

He then criticized the government and the companies involved with the victims we met with,

The government needs to take the initiative to ensure a transparent investigation and to provide relief to the victims, whether it be an apology or financial compensation,” he noted.

The government should take the lead in providing relief. He pointed out that the government should take the lead in bailout measures.

Furthermore, the investigation by the “Special Recurrence Prevention Team” of outside experts set up by the Johnny’s’s office,

“Transparency and legitimacy remain questionable,” he pointed out.

The government should take the lead in remedial measures.

The “Special Recurrence Prevention Team of Outside Experts” set up by Johnny’s’s held its inaugural press conference on June 12. Nearly two months have already passed, yet the results of the investigation have not yet been announced. Following the UN Human Rights Council’s announcement, Johnny’s’s announced that it had been informed by the “special team” that it expected to make a recommendation on how to prevent a recurrence around the end of August. After receiving the recommendations,

“As soon as possible, we plan to hold a press conference to explain our future efforts.

However, one cannot deny the feeling that they are taking a backward step.

To begin with, at the June 12 press conference, former Prosecutor General Makoto Hayashi, a member of the team, said, “We are the third-party committee.

“We are the third-party committee.

He said, “We are the third-party committee.

“It does not cover all of [Janney’s sexual assaults].

I was bothered by the fact that he repeatedly said, “It does not cover all of [Mr. Janney’s sexual assaults]. He said that the committee would not conduct an exhaustive investigation out of consideration for the emotional burden on the victims, but that it would investigate the facts through interviews with those who reported the crimes and with people from the office, and compile recommendations for preventing recurrence.

However, it is assumed that consideration will be given to the victims, and if they do not wish to be named, they will be made anonymous, and other considerations will be taken into account. The first step, even if not a perfect one, is now required to clarify the full extent of Janney’s sexual assault to the best of his ability.

Measures to prevent recurrence should need to be taken in combination with a full disclosure. Without any announcement from Johnny’s, former Jr. and other victims are now accusing the media one after another of sexual assault.

The UN experts came to Japan on July 24, and after 12 days of investigation, they made a rather in-depth and essential announcement. This may be because the members gave the highest priority to the victims and relief above all else, and promptly announced the results of their investigation, as they should have done.

Following the UN Human Rights Council press conference, seven members of the “Association of Parties to the Sexual Assault Issue of Johnny’s” held a press conference at the same location, with Shimon Ishimaru as vice president,

I believe that the UN has recognized that there was a problem of sexual assault. It is not an allegation. This problem is a real thing that happened.

He then appealed to the audience. And

We think that the number of cases is much higher, perhaps reaching four digits,” he added.

He went on to say

The worst case of sexual abuse in the history of mankind. This has finally come to light. We believe we have this opportunity.”

and appreciated the UN Human Rights Council’s announcement.

It remains to be seen what kind of press conference Johnny’s will hold at the end of August. If the apology and remedial measures are not sufficient to satisfy the victims, the possibility of a class action lawsuit by the victims or “massive compensation” cannot be denied.

  • Text Ryo Sakamoto (Writer, former head of the Culture and Society Department of Tokyo Sports Newspaper)

    Writes articles on entertainment, movies, Hollywood information, etc., including the web magazine "PlusαToday". Member of the Japan Film Pen Club.

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