Eita Nagayama’s “I won’t forgive you” tweet deleted after receiving praise | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Eita Nagayama’s “I won’t forgive you” tweet deleted after receiving praise

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Eita Nagayama tweeted in anger over an article insulting his wife, Kaela Kimura. It has often been reported that he has a fierce temper…

Actor Eita Nagayama’s angry tweet has become a hot topic.

On November 18, Eita wrote on Twitter

I won’t forgive the guy who made fun of my wife!

What are you talking about? What he was talking about was a tweet that some news sites reported.

I’m not sure what you’re talking about. The reality is…

It was a protest against an article titled “Eita and Kaela Kimura are not getting along after all? The article said that the couple’s divorce was a foregone conclusion, and at the end of the article it said

Butterfly”, which used to be a standard wedding song, is now a “bad omen” song with a bad reputation.

There were also some insulting expressions.

Eita and Kimura got married in June 2010. Their first child, a boy, was born in October of the same year, and their second child, a girl, was born in October of 2001. There are many posts on their social networking sites that show them getting along well with each other, so it must have been “disappointing” to hear that they did not get along. On the Internet, Eita’s tweets about protecting his wife have been praised as “cool” and “wonderful.

As we live in a social networking society, more and more celebrities are directly voicing their objections to media reports. Just the other day, actresses Erika Toda and Asami Mizukawa protested against the “disagreement” theory reported in some women’s magazines. Each of them released a rebuttal comment, and their offices were ready to take legal action.

Eita probably couldn’t stand it either, but unlike Toda and Mizukawa, his angry tweet was later deleted. An entertainment industry insider commented on this.

“The more attention they get, the more likely it is that they’ll be able to get away with it. The more attention it gets, the more people will see the original article.

He explained.

While Toda and Mizukawa had obtained permission from their respective offices, Eita’s tweet may have been posted in a fit of anger. Speaking of Eita, he has long been known for his “yancha legend. Before his marriage to Kimura, allegations surfaced that he assaulted a karaoke store employee, and all hands were on deck to put out the fire.

In ’18, “FRIDAY” reported that she had gotten on top of former Japanese boy Ryo Nishikido and beaten him up, with photos. They had been drinking together, but Nishikido’s “uptight” behavior suddenly made her lose interest. This is said to have caused a rift in the relationship between the two.

“It’s true that Eita had a lot of energy from his younger days. When he stayed at a villa in the countryside for a location shooting, he got drunk at a bar canter, and afterwards, he repeatedly fist-bumped with a dangerous look in his eyes.

He was a young man with a lot of energy. In the fight scenes of movies and TV dramas, he would sometimes go beyond the bounds of ‘reenactment.

“In fistfights, it was common practice to hold back for a while. In rehearsals, we would only loosely check the movements, but in those days, Eita would seriously put his fist into his opponent in the rehearsal stage. It seems that he was doing karate, and there were times when the opponent fainted on the spot. Eita-san didn’t even change his expression when he saw it. I thought to myself, ‘There’s a hell of an actor out there.

Nowadays, this is just a matter of youthful indiscretion, but from Eita’s point of view, it is undesirable for his violent image to spread. “The entertainment industry insider mentioned above said, “It’s possible that they made him delete the ‘I won’t forgive you’ tweet with that in mind.

Eita changed his name to his real name “Eita Nagayama” in 2008. He explained the reason for this change, “I feel like I’ve changed again. I want to act properly under my real name. Also, in April of this year, he left the agency he belonged to for 20 years and is now working as an independent actor. There may be times when he is upset by the noise around him, but I hope he will continue to pursue his career as an actor.

  • PHOTO Toshikatsu Tanaka

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