The Best Teacher” – Maayu Matsuoka’s “dark” performance is addictive… The quintessence of her private life as a “nekura (nekura is a word that means “nekura” in Japanese)” in high school “Bokuchichi-Ichi” (Lonely and Food). | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The Best Teacher” – Maayu Matsuoka’s “dark” performance is addictive… The quintessence of her private life as a “nekura (nekura is a word that means “nekura” in Japanese)” in high school “Bokuchichi-Ichi” (Lonely and Food).

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Maayu Matsuoka’s smile does not look very “nekkid” to me… (May 3, ’19 issue)

I will do anything for you.

The teacher’s expression as he spoke these words was devoid of animation, and only his eyes held the students’ attention. It is eerie, but it resonates with the students’ ears… The drama “The Best Teacher: One Year Later, I Was ■sed by a Student” (NTV) stars Maayu Matsuoka (28), whose overwhelming acting ability is the talk of the town.

The story begins when a teacher who has given up on facing her students is pushed off the school building and killed by one of the students in her class on graduation day. However, he was reincarnated on the graduation day exactly one year ago, and this time he faces and re-educates 30 students who may be suspects in order to ‘not get himself killed. Matsuoka’s performance, in which he declares the opening words to each of the students who ‘might have killed him’ and solves their problems, has been praised on the Internet.

Matsuoka’s expressionless but persuasive performance to the students. The subtle tears… so powerful.

His acting is just genius.

His subtle facial expressions and acting are the essence of his character.

The drama was broadcast in 1919, and was a hit with the audience. This drama is a completely original script written by the producer and director of “3 years A class – From now on, you are all hostages” (NTV), which aired in the January 2007 season and became a hot topic. The film also drew comparisons with “3 Years A Class,” in which Sugata Masaki (30) was the main character.

The film is based on the story of a student’s suicide, but Sugata’s powerful performance was a big selling point, as he locks students in the classroom, blows up, and sometimes physically fights with them. Matsuoka, on the other hand, reveals his own emotional vulnerability and quietly stands by his students, creating a unique tension with his silences, “pauses,” and eye acting.

Her acting is very “dark,” but when it comes to playing characters with darkness, such as the girl who works at a JK shop in the movie “Shoplifting Family” or the multiple personalities in the drama “Hatsukoi no Akuma” (Nippon TV) from last July, Matsuoka is a master at it. She has always described her own character as “nekura,” but since she is an actor, she may be referring to her own experiences in the past, although of course it is not her “true” personality. (Drama production staff)

Matsuoka made her full-fledged debut in ’08 as “Oha Girl” on the children’s TV program “Ohasuta” (TV Tokyo). Her cheerful character made her popular, and her role as the leader of an idol group in the NHK TV series “Amachan” brought her attention as an actress as well.

Since then, her cheerful character who talked and laughed a lot on variety shows has been recognized, but when a press conference for the drama “Aquarium Girl” (NHK) was held in ’16, Matsuoka talked about her own personality,

I often have a fresh image of myself, but in fact, I am a dark person. I’m actually very dark. I’m always thinking about negative things.

She revealed, “I’m a very negative person. When asked about her memories of high school life on “Sakurai Ariyoshi The Night Party” (TBS), which she appeared on in September 2010, Matsuoka replied, “I remember the time when I was preparing for the cultural festival in the third year of high school,

I didn’t have any friends until the preparation period for the festival in my third year of high school, so I ate in the bathroom or on the stairs all the time,” he said.

He confessed to eating meals in the bathroom or on the stairs all the time. Later, she said that she was able to graduate from being a “laggard” after meeting Natsuako Momota and Nao Asahi of Momoiro Clover Z, who were her classmates.

Perhaps it is this past experience that gives Matsuoka such persuasive power as she quietly talks to high school students, while keeping her face expressionless.

One night, Matsuoka walked alone to a sushi restaurant (July 22, ’16).
As soon as he got into the sushi bar, he started smoking an electronic cigarette with his hat on (July 22, 2004 issue).
The pitch of hand-drinking sake is quite fast (July 22, ’16 issue).
Matsuoka drinking alone with his phone in his hand (July 22, ’16 issue)
Matsuoka enjoying a late lunch alone at a soba noodle restaurant after a performance (April 6, 2006 issue).
A musical co-star and “actor of my dreams,” Tomohito Yashima, at a yakiniku restaurant in Daikanyama (May 3, 2007 issue).
During a break from filming a movie, she popped mixed nuts into her mouth as if they were delicious (June 3, 2010 issue).
During a break from filming a movie, he was popping mixed nuts into his mouth as if they were delicious (June 3, 2010 issue).
  • PHOTO Kojiro Yamada (1st and 7th), Takao Kawakami (2nd to 5th), Yasuko Sakaguchi, Yusuke Kondo (8th and 9th)

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