I don’t feel bad”…Carlos Ghosn “Countersuit against Nissan for 140 billion yen”: Stupid Ambitions and a Difficult Future Ahead | FRIDAY DIGITAL

I don’t feel bad”…Carlos Ghosn “Countersuit against Nissan for 140 billion yen”: Stupid Ambitions and a Difficult Future Ahead

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Carlos Ghosn and his wife Carol enjoying an elegant event

Carlos Ghosn 69 (69) was in July July 18 On July 18, Carlos Ghosn, 69, held an online press conference from Lebanon, where he has fled. 1 billion dollars (approx. billion dollars (approx. The real purpose of the 80-minute press conference was to discuss the lawsuit against Nissan and its officials. What was the real purpose of the 80-minute press conference?

Ghosn, the defendant, is Ghosn was arrested in 2006 and charged with violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and other crimes. Ghosn was arrested in 2006 and charged with violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and other crimes. The following year December of the following year. In December of the following year, while out on bail, Ghosn fled to Lebanon via Turkey on a private jet from Kansai Airport. Subsequently, In 2008, Nissan asked Ghosn to resign as president of Nissan. In 2008, Nissan paid Ghosn approximately 10 billion yen in damages. In May of this year, Ghosn filed a lawsuit against Nissan and several members of its management team, claiming damages of 10 billion yen for defamation and other claims. 1 billion dollars (approx. In May this year, Ghosn filed a lawsuit against Nissan and several executives for damages of 1 billion dollars (approximately In May of this year, Ghosn filed a lawsuit against Nissan and several executives for $1 billion (about ¥140 billion) for defamation, etc. In May of this year, Ghosn filed a high-stakes criminal lawsuit in Lebanon against Nissan and several executives for defamation, among other claims.

Ghosn, who appeared at an online press conference wearing a white shirt, said, “Nissan’s civil lawsuit is factually inaccurate without showing any evidence,” and said of the criminal lawsuit he filed against Nissan and others in May.

Nissan will not get away with this.”

‘Nissan caused me great and irreparable damage, so I have filed a claim for damages. When I was arrested and detained, a UN expert issued an opinion stating that they had violated my human rights. In other words, I am in court to regain some of my rights. The case filed in Lebanon is a criminal case. There are witnesses, and Nissan cannot run away from it.”

Ghosn was arrested because he was accused of making false statements by failing to disclose the amount of compensation to be paid in the future in his annual securities report. At the press conference, however, Ghosn asserted that his arrest was based on a premeditated plot.

Nissan, the prosecutors, and METI wanted to stop the alliance between Renault and Nissan. Nissan is the apparent minority in the alliance, and Renault has the intervention of the French government. They wanted to stop it somehow, so the three parties colluded to bring it to an end by removing me as the head of the alliance.

As for his escape to Lebanon, he said openly, “I don’t think it was a bad thing.

I don’t feel bad about it. If I had stayed in Japan, I would have fallen prey to the prosecutors and Nissan. I was only there to go to court for eight to ten years. I was not able to see my family for eight to ten years just to go to court. I could not see my family and could not explain to the press for eight to ten years just to go to trial. This is the same as being dead. So he chose to flee as the best course of action.”

About In an approximately 80 Ghosn continued to assert his own theory during the 80-minute press conference. What was the real purpose of this press conference? An acquaintance of Ghosn’s told us.

A friend of Ghosn’s told us, “It was to exonerate him and appeal his innocence to the people of Japan and the world who watched the video of his press conference. He feels considerable anger toward Nissan and the Japanese judicial system for the damage done to his reputation by being ousted from Nissan and becoming a defendant in a criminal trial. He has even said that the reason he filed a costly lawsuit against Nissan was to ‘drive Nissan into bankruptcy.

Ghosn said at the press conference that he has no interest in entering politics, but some believe that this is only a facade.

The ruling class in Lebanon belongs to the Maronite sect of Christianity. For this reason, Ghosn, who belongs to the same sect, has been building personal connections with the ruling class through donations to a Maronite university and business seminars held at the university for wealthy people, and has not abandoned his desire to build a business and possibly enter politics.

However, Ghosn’s relationship with President Emmanuel Macron, the head of France, Lebanon’s former sovereign nation, has been strained. As long as the Macron regime is in power in France, it is believed that it will be difficult for Ghosn to advance as a politician.

Ghosn is ready to fight back against Nissan, the company that has disgraced him. He has shown no signs of remorse and is still living an elegant life in a luxury condominium in Beirut, which is still in Nissan’s name.

Ghosn defendant’s elegant dining scene
Ghosn defendant’s business seminar with high tuition fees
Ghosn’s business seminars are expensive.
On the rooftop of his luxury apartment in Lebanon
  • Interview and text by Masayoshi Katayama (journalist) Masayoshi Katayama (Journalist)

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