Visual hypersensitivity that even “atsushi Tamura” of Romboo suffers from… “Johnny’s WEST” Kamiyama confesses to suffering from the same symptoms. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Visual hypersensitivity that even “atsushi Tamura” of Romboo suffers from… “Johnny’s WEST” Kamiyama confesses to suffering from the same symptoms.

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Johnny’s WEST Kamiyama confessed that he suffers from visual sensitivity [from the official website].

On July 4, Tomohiro Kamiyama of Johnny’s WEST revealed his eye problems, causing concern among fans. He said that he had visited a hospital and announced the results of the diagnosis given by the doctor.

At the beginning of the blog, Kamiyama began, “There is one thing I want to tell you all today. The group had been on a live tour “Johnny’s WEST LIVE TOUR 2023 POWER” from March to May of this year, and during the tour, he noticed something unusual: “The lighting seems to be quite bright.

He explained that he had always been sensitive to sunlight and flashes during photo shoots, so as an emergency measure, he had started wearing tinted glasses during live performances and music shows. He had been suffering from migraines and dry eyes for some time, and took the opportunity to go to the hospital for a consultation, where he confessed that he had been diagnosed with visual hypersensitivity.

He also wrote about his current predicament: “I can’t keep my eyes open, I get unusually tired, and I get migraines,” and “There seems to be no clear treatment, so the only thing I can do is to prevent it beforehand.

This suggests that he may have to work more often with his glasses on in the future. She asked her fans for their understanding, saying, “I may be bothered by the fact that I want to see your eyes, or I may cause you to worry.

In fact, on her June 2 blog, she reported, “I’ve been wearing glasses recently, but I changed the lenses of my glasses to anti-reflective lenses. He said that he had been blinded by ‘white skips in reflections. Also, when Kamiyama appeared on the July 1 broadcast of the music special program “THE MUSIC DAY” (Nippon Television Network), he was wearing colored glasses.

As Kamiyama also wrote in his blog, he had been using colored glasses more frequently, and his fans must have been concerned. In response to this blog,

I wondered what was wrong with your glasses, but it was visual sensitivity. Take it easy.
I’m sure it’s hard on stage with the dazzling lights. I hope it doesn’t get worse.
I’m glad you went to the hospital to get a proper checkup before explaining to your fans.

The comments were warmly received.

Among the talents from Johnny’s office, Tadayoshi Okura of Kanjani Eight also wears colored glasses on music programs. In July last year, he wrote on his personal blog on Johnny’s web, “I am visually sensitive and get very tired when I am dazzled…. Perhaps concerned about the reaction to his own appearance in glasses, he said, “I apologize for seeming arrogant.

On the other hand, atsushi Tamura of the comedy duo London Boots No. 1 and No. 2 responded to the “pompous” comment. He took to Twitter on August 22, ’17,

Why are you wearing sunglasses? You look so arrogant! Who do you think you are? I have always worn light sunglasses because my eyes have a light pigmentation and I have terrible dry eyes, which makes it hard for me to keep my eyes open. I know this may be uncomfortable for those who have been seeing me for a long time, but please be patient until you get used to it.

Kamiyama, who is an idol, is wearing a pair of sunglasses. As an idol, Kamiyama must be exposed to a lot of strong light, such as camera flashes and stage lights. We hope that she will continue her energetic activities while taking care of her eyes.

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