Public disclosure! The End of One-man Management…Big Motor “Former President Kaneshige and His Son’s Big Mansion” and Horrifying “Abusive Line | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Public disclosure! The End of One-man Management…Big Motor “Former President Kaneshige and His Son’s Big Mansion” and Horrifying “Abusive Line

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Mr. Kaneshige’s large mansion in Tokyo

The number of customers has decreased dramatically. We used to have about 10 sales contracts a day on weekends, but now we have 3 to 4. At some of the worst stores, there are zero contracts. It has been three weeks since the fraud became public, but we have not received any notice from the head office to change our quota. I am beyond angry and dismayed that they are still seeking profits at this point in time.

Even before the third-party committee submitted its investigation report on June 26, this magazine had been following up on numerous allegations of fraud. The May 5 issue reported that the current factory manager had instructed a customer how to make a hole in the customer’s tire and charged the customer an unjust labor charge. We have also reported other allegations of mismanagement and covering up the fact that a customer’s car had burst into flames.

Big Motor, which had remained silent, held a press conference on July 25. Hiroyuki Kaneshige, 71, announced his resignation as president,

He denied his involvement, saying, “The sheet metal painting division was solely responsible for the fraudulent billing and the rest of the management was unaware of it.

He denied his own involvement. However, on July 26, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism held a hearing, and the Financial Services Agency conducted an investigation into the non-life insurance company.

What was behind the rampant fraud? The biggest factor is the strong top-down management by the founder, Hiroyuki, and his son, Koichi (35), the former vice president. Originally, Big Motor was established by Hiroyuki in his lifetime, and under his strong leadership, the company has continued to grow rapidly.

A former employee who has experience as a store manager in the eastern Japan area reveals, “I joined the company about 10 years ago.

I joined the company about 10 years ago, but the former president was very strict about numbers even back then, and it was common practice to demote employees if they did not produce results. At the beginning of the new year, all the stores were sent a maxim, ‘Numbers are personalities,’ and we were instructed to ‘print it out in A3 size and put it in a frame for decoration! I was instructed to print it out in A3 size, frame it, and put it on display.

However, the former president also had a strong work ethic, driving his own car and energetically conducting inspections called “environmental maintenance inspections. It is also true that there were people who wanted to follow him.

Then, there was an incident that led to a major shift toward “profit supremacy. In 2003, his son, Koichi, became a director.

Around that time, aggressive quotas began to be imposed, such as a profit of 140,000 yen per car to be repaired using insurance. In order to meet the excessive demands, some of the staff at my store would break headlights with a hammer, or sell submerged cars under the guise of ordinary used cars.

(The former manager mentioned above). It seems that harassment was also a regular occurrence. See the LINE image below. This is an image obtained by this magazine, which is said to be a part of the communication between Koichi and the executives. Koichi uses the word “death penalty” and unilaterally hurls abusive language at them. The executives can only apologize flatly.

We sent a letter of inquiry to Big Motor regarding the authenticity of this exchange, but received no concrete response other than to repeat that “we are responding to inquiries in due course.

The August 11 issue of “FRIDAY” (July 28) reported in detail on the surprising personalization of Koichi’s personnel rights and the Kaneshige family’s assets, including their home, villa, and luxury cruiser. In addition, several photos were also published in the paid version of “FRIDAY GOLD.

At a press conference, Hiroyuki denied involvement, saying that he was unaware of the affair. He also threatened criminal charges against the wrongdoing employees, which drew criticism.

Koichi’s “abusive line” to this magazine. The three executives were forced to apologize to Mr. Koichi, who was verbally abusive to them.

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  • PHOTO Shun Kirishima (at home) Shinji Hasuo (Mr. Hiroyuki)

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