Naniwa Danshi” at the peak of their popularity is under fire over the sale of “charity goods” for “24 Hour TV.

Naniwa Danshi, a seven-member group from Johnny’s s, will be the main personality of the annual charity program “24 Hour TV: Love Can Save the Earth” (Nippon Television Network Corporation, to be broadcast from August 26 to 27). Prior to the show, sales of charity T-shirts and charity goods began on June 21.
On the same day, Naniwa Danshi appeared at a special venue at NTV (Shiodome, Tokyo) and “handed” the goods to the purchasers. The surprise, which benefited only a few people, was met with boos on social networking sites.
The “Topics” page of the program’s official website reported the details of Naniwa Otoko’s visit, saying that “many customers gathered to buy charity T-shirts and charity goods” and that “a long line formed before the special venue opened at 10:00 a.m.” (original text in Japanese, same below). Furthermore, Naniwa Danshi members themselves stood at the cash register and directly handed over the items to the customers.
Kazuya Ohashi, leader of Naniwa Boys, said, “When we handed the items to the customers, they told us, ‘Good luck,’ and ‘We are rooting for you. Usually we want to cheer everyone up, but when he said those words to us, we felt that we were rather cheered up. It was a day that made me want to do more and more to cheer up various people through 24-hour TV.
There were actually many people who were able to talk with them at the event. One lucky fan who was at the event said, “I was able to talk to one member the whole time at the cash register. I was able to buy goods from the Naniwa boys by hand, and I was able to chat with the members when I paid the bill. My hands were shaking.” “It was the best day of my life,” he reported on Twitter. There were also several reports on what they talked about.
However, when this situation came to light, fans living in rural areas were disappointed.
Is there such a thing as a guerrilla hand-off by Johnny’s? I don’t want to feel like a cheap idol. ……
It’s not fair for Naniwa boys to hand out charity T-shirts. Fans who live in rural areas don’t have human rights.
I wanted Johnny’s to be above the clouds.
I wanted Johnny’s to be above the clouds,” he said, shocked.
Speaking of “handing out” shirts to Japanese idols, Snow Man’s recent concert drew a flood of criticism during their four-dome tour “Snow Man 1st DOME tour 2023 i DO ME,” which started on May 26, member Ryohei Abe handed a bouquet of flowers to a female fan in the audience.
The bouquet was presented as part of the performance, but the fans were annoyed, saying, “Handing the bouquet to a specific fan is atrocious,” and “Please don’t do it in a way that only a few people will enjoy.
The Naniwa boys are flying by the seat of their pants, but incidents such as the one that occurred this time could be a factor in accelerating the separation of their fans. We hope that they will show a better performance to their fans and viewers during the “24-Hour TV” broadcast.