Candle Jun’s “conditions” for Ryoko Hirosue’s second marriage… Chef Toba protests, “That’s not the point. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Candle Jun’s “conditions” for Ryoko Hirosue’s second marriage… Chef Toba protests, “That’s not the point.

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Ryoko Hirosue’s divorce from Candle Jun was finalized. The trigger was her own “double adultery. ……

On July 23, actress Ryoko Hirosue (43) announced that she and her husband, Candle Jun, have officially divorced. Hirosue was reportedly having a double affair with Michelin one-star chef Shusaku Toba (45).

On the website of her agency “Flame,” Hirosue wrote

“On a personal note, after discussions between myself and Jun Hirosue, we have agreed to divorce and have filed divorce papers.

She reported, “We have discussed this and agreed to divorce and have filed divorce papers. In addition,

I have custody of the children and will continue to live with them as I have in the past.

He also stated, “I will continue to live with my children as I have in the past. In addition

I was concerned that I might cause trouble again with my private matters, and I honestly wondered whether or not I should report my divorce,” he revealed.

He also revealed, “I was concerned that I might make a fuss again about the private details of my divorce.

However, I have decided to tell you this in the hope that this report will put an end to the matter and prevent further anxiety and worry from spreading to our children.

He explained,

《Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to those who have given me positive and kind words of encouragement and support for living. Thank you very much.

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your positive and kind words toward my life.

In response, the public’s sympathies turned to Jun, who had been accused of adultery and had even lost custody of his children. Shintaro Tabata, a businessman, wrote on Twitter

The party who caused the divorce gets custody.
The two genders are equal, aren’t they?

The person who caused the divorce gets custody,” he posted on Twitter. On the Internet, too

This is ridiculous.
“She destroyed my family, and this is how she treats me?
Toba is the one laughing.

The series of uproar was initially expected to become bogged down.

At first, it was expected that the whole affair would become a quagmire. However, a month and a half after the Shukan Bunshun (weekly magazine) reported the incident in early June, the situation has finally come to an end. A behind-the-scenes look reveals that Mr. Jun was forced to agree to the divorce in the end.

Mr. Jun had a second son (12) and daughter (8) with Hirosue, and lived with his eldest son (19), who was born to Hirosue’s former husband, as a family of five. She agreed to divorce for the sake of her children,

She said, “My eldest son is independent in terms of age, but the longer the turmoil drags on, the worse it will be for my second son and eldest daughter. So he made the decision to voluntarily step down,” a source close to the entertainment industry said.

(A source close to the entertainment industry).

It seems that it was the 19-year-old eldest son who decided on the “will” of the children.

He often took care of the second son and eldest daughter. Even under the turmoil, he seemed to be communicating with Hirosue and Jun on LINE. After listening to his younger brother and sister’s requests and taking into consideration the child-rearing environment, he chose to live with his mother (Hirosue),” said a source involved in the entertainment industry.

After the divorce is finalized, Hirosue will not immediately remarry Mr. Toba, but will first work to regain trust in his work. Perhaps she feels remorse for having brought her family into the mess.

There is also a story that Mr. Jun has set some conditions regarding the timing of Ms. Hirosue’s remarriage. It is not a matter of “harassing” Mr. Toba, but the psychological impact on the children would be great if they were to remarry immediately after the divorce.

Especially since their eldest daughter is only 8 years old. Even if she remarries, it will probably be after everything has settled down.

On the other hand, Mr. Toba told those around him

On the other hand, Mr. Toba told those around him, “That’s not the point!

The child is already attached to me.

The child is already attached to him.

In the first place, Mr. Toba hates Mr. Jun so much that he cannot stop hating him. He believes that it was Mr. Jun who leaked the “love diary” published in the Weekly Bunshun.

Therefore, he wants to do the opposite of everything Mr. Jun tells him to do. Considering his personality, he will probably strengthen his involvement in the family, even if he does not register with Ms. Hirosue for a while.

If Hirosue resumes her acting career in the future, there is a strong possibility that the presence of Mr. Toba, with whom she had an affair, will become a bottleneck. What kind of decision will Hirosue make at that time?


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