Fans are eagerly awaiting her return…Kyoka Suzuki: Exclusive photos of her “determined appearance” while recuperating at home! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Fans are eagerly awaiting her return…Kyoka Suzuki: Exclusive photos of her “determined appearance” while recuperating at home!

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Kyoka came out of the office in early July. Perhaps she was feeling well that day, her expression was soft and she had a smile on her face

In early July, a woman wearing a hat emerged from an office in Tokyo in the early afternoon. It was actress Kyoka Suzuki (55), who is currently recuperating from an illness. She was wearing a blue one-piece dress with a light jacket over it and a soft smile around her mouth. Kyoka got into a cab waiting in front of the entrance and left in the direction of her home.

It was on May 11 that Kyoka announced her withdrawal from “This Wonderful World” (Fuji TV), a drama series in which she stars in the July season.

The reason was “poor health. She herself commented, “I am sorry for your concern, but I will concentrate on treatment for a while so that I can return to work as soon as possible.

The drama is a comedy in which an ordinary housewife who usually works part-time suddenly finds herself leading a double life as a double for a great actress who has disappeared. The heroine who plays the dual roles was an original script “guessed” and written by Kyoka.

(Fuji Television official) “When Kyoka complained of a change in her health on the night of the crank-in date, the production site was in chaos. The production staff was in turmoil as she complained of her health problems on the night of the crank-in. The selection of an understudy was also difficult, but Mayumi Wakamura (56) was soon chosen, and the film was able to be cranked again in June. However, the start of the first episode was delayed and the number of broadcasts had to be changed from the original schedule.

Mixed information on the sudden dropout

While the impact of Kyoka’s sudden departure from the show is gradually being recovered, the cause of her “poor health” is a matter of concern. Last year, Kyoka was active in NHK’s historical drama “Kamakuradono no 13-nin” and the stage play “Show Must Go On,” written and directed by Koki Mitani. Before the crank-in of this drama, she commented, “I want to do my best despite the summer heat,” and many people had seen her in good health right up to the announcement of her resignation. Her “poor health” came as a bolt from the blue, even to those involved.

Even after the news of her resignation came out, the name of her illness and her condition were not disclosed at all, and even Fuji Television executives kept them under wraps. Therefore, at first, there were mixed reports, such as ‘he was hospitalized urgently’ and ‘he had an emergency surgery. Later, his office said, ‘At this stage, he has neither been hospitalized nor undergone surgery, and there is no indication that he has collapsed. She is spending her time quietly.

According to the announcement by her agency, she had a physical ailment some time ago and underwent an examination at a hospital, where her illness was discovered. Since the lesion was found at an early stage, she consulted with Fuji Television and decided to concentrate on her treatment.

She also reported to her fans on the 29th of last month on her office’s Instagram page that she had cut her hair short for the first time, and that she was doing well during her absence. On the other hand, however, there are also voices like this.

There is a persistent voice that says, “Kyoka-san, who has a strong sense of responsibility, is too good to be off the board. But she doesn’t seem to be going to the hospital. That is why people are becoming more concerned about her. It is said that she was originally worried about a gynecological disease, and many people are concerned about that as well.

We can’t wait to see her get well soon and perform on TV and stage again.

The July 13 issue of “FRIDAY” (July 28th) reports in detail on Kyoka Suzuki’s recent condition, as well as photos of Hiroki Hasegawa (46), who is providing devoted support. The paid version of “FRIDAY GOLD” also published several photos.

↓↓The full set of photos can be viewed in “FRIDAY GOLD”.

Hasegawa providing dedicated support
  • PHOTO Ippei Hara (Kyoka Suzuki) Keisuke Nishi (Hasegawa)

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