Former Chairman Hiroshi Osaki of Yoshimoto Kogyo Co! Was it really an amicable retirement?
The founder of Downtown announces his retirement at the end of June.

He is not suited for management.
On May 17, Hiroshi Osaki, 69, of Yoshimoto Kogyo, suddenly announced that he will step down as chairman. He will then assume the position of co-chairman of the “Osaka-Kansai Expo Event Study Council” to be held in 2013.
Mr. Osaki is a man of action, known for having discovered “Downtown” in 1982, his fifth year with the company, and for having navigated a difficult situation as vice-president during the “family riots” that erupted in 2007. After the “black market riots” of 1919, he introduced reforms, including a review of contracts with his comedians, and prevented the Yoshimoto brand from being destroyed.
On May 22, we visited Mr. Osaki at a building in Tokyo to find out why this man of absolute power, known as the “founder of the Yoshimoto family” and the “Don of Yoshimoto,” decided to step down so abruptly.
–Mr. Osaki, this is Friday, how do you feel about resigning from Yoshimoto Kogyo after 45 years of service?
Mr. Osaki: “The more days pass, the lonelier I feel. Hahaha.”
–In past interviews, you have said that you were not suited for management.
I don’t think I am that suited for it, and President Okamoto (Akihiko) is probably much better suited for it. ……
–Is there anything you have left to do?
No, well, …… it’s a turning point. I am also the same for myself, and for the industry. It’s the same for me personally and for the industry. I have a lot of sad feelings, but I think it’s good timing. In the end.”
According to Mr. Osaki, this is the 14th time he has been interviewed directly by this magazine. Until now, Mr. Osaki has answered our questions clearly, no matter what the topic, but he seems a bit brusque about the “reasons for stepping down. In fact, rumors are spreading in the industry that he may have been forced to step down due to the unprofitability of the “Live-in Geisha” program, the Okinawa International Movie Festival, and other measures that were the chairman’s key initiatives.