Sad 5th anniversary for “Kimpuri”…Ren Nagase’s “sad care” for the departed members. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Sad 5th anniversary for “Kimpuri”…Ren Nagase’s “sad care” for the departed members.

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Nagase continues to be considerate to fans even in the new organization

On May 23, Kaito Takahashi and Ren Nagase of King & Prince made a new start. On the same day, they held a live broadcast on their official YouTube channel and other channels, announcing the release of a new song, the holding of a fan meeting, and the start of a new TV program all at once. Many people were heartbroken following the departure of three members (Yuta Kishi, Yuta Jinguji, and Shiyou Hirano), but they expressed their gratitude one after another, saying that they are doing their best not to make their fans feel lonely.

The members of King & Prince have shared hardships and joys with each other since their days as Johnny’s Jr.’ However, at the end of March 2009, Iwahashi Genki left the group, and Kishi, Jinguji, and Hirano also parted company just before the 5th anniversary.

On June 23, the newly formed group announced that they would release their 13th single “Nothing” on June 21 and hold their first fan meeting “King & Prince to Uchiawase” (Ariake Arena, Tokyo) on July 2. Ariake Arena in Tokyo) on July 2.

In addition, the group will start a regular broadcast of a new program “Kintore (tentative)” on NTV on the same day. The unexpected surprise drew comments of surprise and joy from fans on SNS.

On the other hand, Nagase revealed his frank feelings on the radio program “King & Prince Nagase Ren’s Radio GARDEN” (Bunka Hoso), which aired late at night on May 24. He was close to his fans who may not have sorted out their feelings yet,

I spent a long time with them, but I don’t know what to say. I can enjoy the path that each of us has chosen to take to the fullest, of course. They are people with the ability and power to make each one of us feel that the choice we made was the right one. I feel this most when I spend time with the five of us in close proximity. So I really think that the five of us, and our fans, can feel at ease and follow whomever they want. Let’s all be happy together.

Nagase said, “Nagase has left the group.

Nagase also told Kishi and the others who had left the group, “I really support the three of you in your life. Nagase encouraged Kishi and the others who had left the group, saying, “I’m really rooting for the three of you, and no matter what you do, I’ll always be on your side. Nagase, who will continue to be active as a member of KIMPURI, said this, which may have the effect of easing the criticism and bashing of the “departed group. I know it must be hard with the reduced number of members and the increased burden, but I think he was concerned that the three of them could continue to be active as usual. (Sports newspaper reporter)

In fact, the fans who listened to the radio show said, “Ren-kun always puts the fans first,

Ren is always a fan first. I know you must have been in pain too, but telling us on the radio like this is a great source of emotional support for us. ……

I was so happy when he said he would stand by the three of us and support them.

There is no other idol who is so fan-friendly.

I will follow you for the rest of my life!

I will follow you for the rest of my life! After many twists and turns, the new “Kimpuri” has become a duo. I hope they will cherish the time they spend with their fans and keep going through their 5th anniversary year.

  • PHOTO Masaaki Saito

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