Yukina Kinoshita’s post “With my husband’s fish…” has fans in an uproar! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Yukina Kinoshita’s post “With my husband’s fish…” has fans in an uproar!

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Kinoshita when she was interviewed by this magazine in July.

Former celebrity, Yukina Kinoshita, has become a hot topic of conversation after posting on her Instagram account, “A boat full of fish that my husband caught,” along with a home-cooked meal.

Born in Tokyo in 1987, Kinoshita, whose nickname is Yukina, entered the entertainment industry after being scouted in Shibuya in 2006. She got her break when her unusual answers on a quiz show became the talk of the town, but she retired from the entertainment industry in July last year. However, she has since reopened her once-closed Instagram, and this year she has been appointed as a model for the sports street brand “Made in World x #FR2” collaboration products. She has also been appointed as the image character of “Chicken Gym”, effectively resuming her talent activities.

In her personal life, she married Toshifumi Fujimoto of the comedy duo FUJIWARA in 2010, and they have two daughters. Kinoshita is known to be a big fan of cooking and once had her own cooking show. In 2014, she published “Yukina Rice.

In the meantime, Kinoshita divorced Fujimoto on New Year’s Eve 2019. However, even after that, the rumors of love never cease. She often posts on Instagram that she and Hidetoshi Miyuki of Shonan Bellmare (J1), with whom she is currently dating, seem to be getting along well, and fans are excited, saying, “Is it time for a goal? Kinoshita is now on Instagram.

What Kinoshita posted on her Instagram story function this time was her specialty, Yukina rice. “In one of the stories, Kinoshita posted her signature Yukina rice dish: “steamed vegetables,” “fried rice with natto and kimchi,” and “miso soup with maitake mushrooms and ginger. In another story, she showed carrots, cucumbers, and broccoli being steamed in a steamer, all of which looked delicious.

However, what I find curious is her comment at the beginning of the story, “A boat full of fish that my husband caught. Could this be referring to Sanko’s ……?

Apparently not. Kinoshita had asked her followers in advance, “What’s for dinner for everyone? I’m not sure if this is a good idea, but it’s a good idea. I was surprised to learn that my husband caught a boatload of fish and it was gorgeous,” she said, commenting on the dinner her followers had told her about.

I’m sure many of their fans were impatient with this post. But I guess it’s time for the goal to be reached. I can’t take my eyes off Kinoshita more and more. ……!

  • Photo Takayuki Ogawauchi

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