Smiling and bending down to talk to her children… Kiyoko Kuroda and her husband, Kiyoko Kuroda, lived quietly for 17 years of their “solid life. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Smiling and bending down to talk to her children… Kiyoko Kuroda and her husband, Kiyoko Kuroda, lived quietly for 17 years of their “solid life.

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Mr. and Mrs. Kuroda are seen getting along at a local budget supermarket (Photo: Afro)

Kiyoko Kuroda, 54, the younger sister of His Majesty the Emperor, married Keiki Kuroda, 58, a Tokyo Metropolitan Government official who was a schoolmate of Prince Akishino in ’05. The following year, they purchased a condominium close to the Gakushuin. Seventeen years have passed since then, and we wonder what life has been like for Mr. and Mrs. Kuroda.

The May 9-16, 2011 issue of “Josei Jishin” (May 9-16, 2011) reported on the couple’s recent activities. According to the article, the couple purchased the condominium in question in 2006 for about 100 million yen, and paid off the loan in about 15 years. In addition, in April of this year, Keiki was promoted from the position of general manager of the Urban Development Bureau to director of the department in charge. His annual salary is now more than 10 million yen, an unusually fast rise for someone in his 30s who joined the company mid-career. He reports that these are all thanks to “Kiyoko-san’s wise wifehood. So what exactly was his life like? First of all, according to a real estate appraiser who knew the real estate situation at the time,

According to media reports, the lump sum paid by the Imperial Household Agency when Kiyoko left the Imperial Household was over 150 million yen. Even if she had purchased the property in cash, it would have been a sufficient amount. Even if he had used a mortgage, he would have paid a substantial down payment. It is not surprising that the loan was paid off in 15 years.

He continues, “I think it is not surprising that they paid off the loan in 15 years. He continues, “The number of condominiums is about 400.

The condominium is an ultra-luxury property, with more than 100 million units out of a total of 400 units, with a security system comparable to that of an embassy, with security guards on duty 24 hours a day, and a lobby that resembles a hotel. The design of the property, which sets it apart from the outside world, is superb, and it won the Good Design Award that year. Still, the price was quite reasonable compared to the market prices of other properties at the time. However, when it was reported in a weekly magazine that the two had purchased the property, there was a rush of prospective buyers. As a result, sales had to be temporarily suspended, and when sales resumed a few months later, the price was higher than before.

The reason for this is said to be that real estate prices in the area rose simply because they were going to live there. The used market price of the condominium continued to rise after that, and the unit that the two of them bought was over 100 million yen at the time, but now it is probably not less than 200 million yen.

Furthermore, although the overall real estate market in Tokyo is currently rising, the rate of increase for this condominium is still exceptional.

So what was their lifestyle like? According to a neighbor, there was always a security car waiting around the condominium for several years after they came to live there. We interviewed a condominium resident who has lived there since it was newly built.

In the beginning, when Kiyoko went to work or went out, there was always a female security guard walking a few steps behind her. There were also security cars parked on the road to the station, and it was only when those security guards were there that we would know, ‘Oh, it’s Kiyoko-san,’ but otherwise we would never have noticed. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t notice her at all. She is dressed in such an inconspicuous manner, and that has never changed.

Whenever we pass each other in the apartments, they always greet each other with a slight bob. I have often seen a small child say, “Hello,” and then talk to the child at the same eye level. These days, I rarely see them, probably because the security guards are not with them. Maybe I just don’t notice them when we pass by each other (laughs). For the past few years, when the topic of Kiyoko-san’s life came up, I would say, “Oh, by the way, is she still living here? I had almost forgotten about her existence.

On the other hand, her husband, Keiki, has been sighted even less frequently.

I have the impression that he goes to work very early in the morning and comes home very late. I have the impression that he goes to work very early in the morning and comes home very late, and that cycle has never changed. After working such long hours, I can see why he is moving up in the world. He is quite tall and has a distinctive fast walk, which makes him conspicuous, but he always walks with his head down, so our eyes never meet. When he goes out on holidays, he always wears his hat deeply, and if we don’t say hello to him, he just walks right past us.

So, have there been any sightings of the couple?

In the past, they used to go out together by car, and Kiyoko was always the one driving. These days, I think I only occasionally see them shopping at a local budget supermarket. Anyway, they are both quite quiet, so they don’t stand out at all. They are completely at home as residents of this town.

More than 10 years ago, His Majesty the Father and his wife once visited the apartment, and it was said that the whole place was in an uproar, but this was only once. The couple will continue to live a quiet and steady life.

  • PHOTO Afro

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