A woman who solicited me in Kabukicho” who ripped me off on a matching app. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

A woman who solicited me in Kabukicho” who ripped me off on a matching app.

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Female solicitor arrested

On April 26, the Metropolitan Police Department’s Security Division re-arrested 17 men and two women for repeatedly ripping off male customers using a matching app, and arrested two more. They are suspected of violating the Entertainment Establishments Control Law (operating without a license). A female employee was said to have invited a male customer she met on an app to a bar in Kabukicho, Tokyo, after convincing him to trust her by saying, “After you go to the bar, you can go to my room and have a drink with me.

After we go to the bar, let’s hang out in my room.

When the male customers entered the bar, they were surrounded by the employees and charged a hefty fee. The store operated from February of last year to March of this year without a permit from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It is said that they diluted high-grade alcohol with water and served it to customers.

FRIDAY Digital” reported in detail on the rip-off tactics in an article distributed on April 7 of this year. We would like to recount the whole of the appalling crime (some parts have been corrected).

If you lose, you can take off your clothes.

If you can’t pay, go to a convenience store and withdraw your money.

I’m not letting you go home.

The bar staff yelled at the customers and demanded large sums of money from them.

On April 6, the Metropolitan Police Department’s Security Division announced the arrest of a dozen male and female employees of a bar in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, on suspicion of violating the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s rip-off ordinance (prohibition of collecting unreasonable charges, etc.). The employees ranged in age from 19 to 34. The arrested women are alleged to have invited male customers they met on a matching app to their bar, had them drink alcohol, and made them pay several hundred thousand yen. At least five men were victims.

The woman met up with a man she met on a matching app at JR Shinjuku Station and other locations. She hid the fact that she was an employee and invited them to the bar where she worked, saying, ‘I have a restaurant I want to go to.

The restaurant would explain that ‘all you can drink for 5,000 yen,’ and invite customers to participate in a card game. The woman would invite the customers to ‘take off your clothes for a round of shots if you lose,’ and would get them drunk. Some customers were forced to drink nearly 100 shots in one gulp.

(A reporter for a national newspaper) Although the bar offered “all-you-can-drink for 5,000 yen,” the shots taken by male customers were not included in the system.

The shots were said to have cost more than 3,000 yen each. The restaurant refused to accept credit card payments for fear of leaving a trace. Only cash was accepted. Few people would be able to pay several hundred thousand yen in cash immediately after being charged several hundred thousand yen. Some customers were asked to pay more than 300,000 yen.

The employees surrounded the drunken customers and threatened them, saying, “Go to the convenience store and get the money. Go to the convenience store and withdraw the money! We won’t let you leave until you pay us! They would threaten the drunken customers, saying, “We won’t let you leave until you pay us! If they still didn’t have enough cash, they would go to jewelry stores and take precious metals that the customers had purchased with their credit cards. In some cases, they copied their insurance cards and driver’s licenses, and even broke into their homes,” he said.

Many of the rip-off bars are not usually open. They pretend to be open only when a female employee brings a man to the bar, and they do not allow other customers in. According to the Metropolitan Police Department, the total amount of damage caused by rip-offs using the app this year alone amounted to 57 million yen.

The solicitor who was arrested (photo has been partially doctored)
Arrested person involved in the rip-off bar (photo has been partially doctored)
Arrested person involved in the rip-off bar (photo has been partially doctored)
Arrested ripped-off bar staff (photo has been partially doctored)
Arrested ripped-off bar staff (photo has been partially doctored)
Arrested ripped-off bar staff (photo has been partially doctored)
Arrested ripped-off bar staff (photo has been partially doctored)
Arrested ripped-off bar staff (photo has been partially doctored)
Arrested ripped-off bar officials (photo has been partially doctored)
  • PHOTO Shinji Hasuo

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