Lost 8 kg in half a month due to severe abdominal pain… Crisis of death in prison due to “poisoning allegations,” the spearhead of Putin’s criticism that exposed his hidden palace. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Lost 8 kg in half a month due to severe abdominal pain… Crisis of death in prison due to “poisoning allegations,” the spearhead of Putin’s criticism that exposed his hidden palace.

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Nawarinui is serving his sentence in a prison outside Moscow. His health is a cause for concern (PHOTO: Reuters/Afro)

It is possible that he was poisoned by prisoners in a calculated attempt to ensure a slow and gradual death.

On April 12, a lawyer for Russian anti-regime activist Alexei Nawarinuy, 46, told the Associated Press in the United States. According to his lawyer, Nawarinny, who is imprisoned in a prison outside Moscow, was taken to the hospital on April 7 after complaining of severe abdominal pain. He has lost 8 kg in half a month, but has not received proper treatment or medication.

Nawarinui is a leading critic of President Vladimir Putin.’ When President Putin was reelected in the March 2012 elections, he held a demonstration against him in Moscow’s Pushkin Square with about 20,000 people.’ On President Putin’s birthday in October 2005, he also held a demonstration calling for him to step down. Recently, he has been vehemently condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, saying, ‘This is a deception to distract the public from domestic problems.

The first unusual incident occurred in August 2008 when Nawariny, a harsh critic of President Vladimir Putin, was on a passenger plane from Siberia to Moscow. While on a passenger plane from Siberia to Moscow, his health suddenly deteriorated. He was poisoned with Novichok, a highly poisonous nerve agent developed by the former Soviet Union, and was temporarily in critical condition.

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Ms. Nawarinui received treatment at the Medical University of Berlin in Germany, but was arrested by Russian authorities as soon as she returned to Japan in January 2009. He was convicted of fraud, contempt of court, and other crimes, and sentenced to nine years in prison.

Even from prison, Nawarinny continued to criticize President Putin. One of the most shocking videos was the one he exposed in January 2009, in which he filmed the inside of Putin’s mansion, which is said to be his “hidden palace. The video received more than 100 million views in one month. The total cost of the mansion was approximately 140 billion yen, and the video showed that a skating rink, casino, and even a theater had been built on a 7,800-hectare site that is larger than the inside of the Yamanote Line.

Although President Putin denied owning the mansion, Nawarinny again distributed a video of the interior of the palace last January. He showed footage of the extravagant bedrooms and dining room and reiterated his anti-regime stance, saying, “We will definitely defeat President Putin.

This is the second time Nawarinny has been suspected of poisoning himself. He is currently unable to communicate and is said to be in gradual danger of death. His lawyers are calling for toxicology and radiation tests.

He said, “In Russia, people who have criticized the regime before have been dying mysterious deaths. In November 2006, Litvinenko, a former employee of the Federal Security Service, was poisoned with the radioactive material “polonium-210” and died. Last March, Greta Vedler, a model who had continually opposed the invasion of Ukraine, was found dead in the trunk of her car in the wilderness of the eastern Lipetsk Oblast at the age of 23.

It is unclear whether Nawarinny was really poisoned, but he was certainly viewed with suspicion by the authorities. He must have been a smoking gun for President Vladimir Putin. Even after his arrest, he continued to criticize the regime.

The sudden change in health of the anti-regime activist, who has been in the penitentiary 13 times, has caused a stir around the world.

  • PHOTO Reuters/Afro

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