Outrage at “Reiwa’s Witch Hunt”..! The “Progress Report” on the Reform of the Church by the former head minister of the Unification Church, Mr. Teshigahara, is a shocking report. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Outrage at “Reiwa’s Witch Hunt”..! The “Progress Report” on the Reform of the Church by the former head minister of the Unification Church, Mr. Teshigahara, is a shocking report.

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General Director Teshigahara at a press conference

The government is steadily investigating the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (hereafter, the former Unification Church) in preparation for its request for a dissolution order.

In March of this year, the government exercised its right to question the cult for the fifth time. Furthermore, in April, the National Lawyers’ Committee for Unification Church Damage Control announced that it had filed a claim against the cult, seeking approximately 315 million yen in compensation. Both the public and private sectors continue to press the former Unification Church to take action,” said a reporter from the society section of a national newspaper.

However, the church is not standing idly by. Since the shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in July of last year, internal “reform” has been underway, and on March 24, a “progress report video” was uploaded to the organization’s website. On March 24, a “progress report video” was uploaded on the website. The video was presented by Hideyuki Teshigahara, 60, General Manager of the Reform Promotion Headquarters.

In the 10-minute video, General Manager Teshigawara begins by stating, “Our efforts to comply with laws and ordinances have been very successful,

In the 10-minute video, General Manager Hideyuki Teshigahara begins by stating, “The so-called Compliance Declaration we made in 2009 was an important turning point in our efforts to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

He emphasized that since 2009, the number of lawsuits against the Church has been drastically decreasing. He then went on to speak in a more emphatic tone about the situation surrounding the Church since the shooting incident.

In the government, an inter-ministerial liaison council has been established and a consultation service for victims and others has been set up. Furthermore, each and every politician was questioned about his or her relationship with the Family Coalition, an extraordinary situation that would be unthinkable in Japan, where freedom of thought and belief is guaranteed by the Constitution, and could be called a “witch hunt in Reiwa.

The phrase “Reiwa’s witch hunt” suggests the quiet anger of General Manager Teshigawara that many of the bashings against the Reiwa are unjustified. Nevertheless, he also seems to believe that we must be mindful of the public’s viewpoint, and there were times when he spoke to his followers in a mild voice, saying, “The purpose of democracy is to serve God through the will of the people.

The purpose of democracy is to realize a world centered on God through the will of the people, so how we are perceived by the world is actually very important.

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