Satoshi Ohno’s Surprise at the Arashi Movie: His Daily Life and the Path to Resuming Activities | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Satoshi Ohno’s Surprise at the Arashi Movie: His Daily Life and the Path to Resuming Activities

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The leader of the group, Satoshi Ohno, has not been seen in public once during his hiatus. It is said that he had a dinner with five members…

On November 3, Masaki Aiba, Jun Matsumoto, Kazunari Ninomiya, and Sho Sakurai of Arashi attended the first day stage greeting of the live movie “ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×20 FILM “Record of Memories”” (to be released nationwide on November 26) in Tokyo. (to be released nationwide on November 26). It was the first time for the four members to appear together in public since the group took a break at the end of last year.

It was the 22nd anniversary of their debut. After the screening, the four of them made a surprise appearance and the audience cheered loudly. Some of the women were so moved that they shed tears.

Sakurai also read a message from Tomo Ohno, the leader of the group, who was on hiatus.

“It’s been a while! There are days when I spend all day on the sofa doing nothing. I’m sorry. Recently, I’ve been making butter chicken curry. I go to bed early, sometimes at 10 pm and wake up at 4 am. But don’t worry, I’m alive and well.

He started off with a full-blown “typical” expression.

“As the movie was about to be released, I wondered what I should say in my comment. To be honest, I thought about what I should say since it was us about two years ago, but when I think back now, I feel that the five of us at that time were just thinking about our fans and performing live.

If I were asked to do that live now, I’d be exhausted within 30 minutes of the opening, disappear from the stage, and go home to sleep on the couch (laughs).

(laughs). Sports newspapers and other media reported this as

“Arashi’s Ohno writes letter to fans, ‘I’m alive and well'” (Daily Sports)

“Arashi gathers for the first time since suspension! “Arashi gathers together for the first time since suspension, goes on stage for first live movie greeting, fans rejoice, see the same five members again” (Sports Nippon)

(Sports Nippon) reported favorably on the event.

However, there are still many fans who are worried about the absence of Ohno.

“In the talk show, the five members talked about how they had been drinking together recently, but I was still concerned about the fact that Ohno-kun has never appeared on stage since his suspension two years ago. I wonder if Arashi will really resume their activities…” (Female fan in her 40s)

For example, the Tokyo Olympics corner of this year’s NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen cannot be missed. For example, Arashi is singing NHK’s Olympic song “Kite.

“It is said that a one-night-only revival of the song by Arashi was floated, but Ohno immediately rejected it, so the song itself will be played, but we don’t know how it will be sung.

(musician). The timing of the resumption of their activities has not been decided yet, and “everything depends on Ohno” (a source close to Johnny’s). While the other four are keeping their “youth” as idols with media exposure, Ohno is not doing any maintenance. He has become too accustomed to his current lifestyle, even in terms of energy.

“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to return to society.

He says that he is not sure if he will be able to return to society. Among the members of the band, Sho Sakurai and Masaki Aiba have married ordinary women. Ohno, too, has been reported in several weekly magazines to be on a date with neat and tidy girl A. “What kind of relationship does the agency have with A?

“The office is not aware of the details of his relationship with A. The office doesn’t know the details of his relationship with Ms. A. They are completely silent about Mr. Ohno, based on his wishes. The reason for this is that if we were to complain to him, he would become unhappy. Since there is so little information about him, some people have even suggested that he and Ms. A have already joined the family… but there is no way of confirming this unless he reports it to them.

(Entertainment industry insider) While the other members are concerned about Ohno, they also seem to be somewhat amused by his behavior, which is one of the things that makes Arashi “Arashi”. The music industry insider mentioned above said

“Even if Ohno says he can’t return to society, the other members will say, ‘Well, that’s just the way it is.’ Even when the five of them had a drink together, Ohno said, ‘You’re all doing great,’ as if he were an alumnus (laughs).

(laughs). It is said that Ohno has no desire to leave the entertainment industry. I hope she doesn’t end up fading away quietly…

  • PHOTO Shinji Hasuo

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