Eiji of “Impossible” spotted on a “love hotel” date with a beautiful woman 15 years younger than him and shot her directly! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Eiji of “Impossible” spotted on a “love hotel” date with a beautiful woman 15 years younger than him and shot her directly!

He had already broken up with his girlfriend, whom he had declared his relationship with on "Ariyoshi's Wall.

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Around 4:00 a.m., they left the love hotel and walked around Kabukicho in the early morning light, puffing on cigarettes. Eiji was touching her throughout.

“(Boo-hoo!) Amateur love, I don’t care (laughs).”

When Hiroyuki Ariyoshi (48) said this while holding out an “X” sign, the four members of the comedy duo “Time Machine No. 3” and “Impossible” exclaimed, “Eek! and then they all fell down. On June 8, 2010, the four revealed on “Ariyoshi’s Wall” (NTV) that Eiji (39) of “Impossible” had a girlfriend. It was a story that they had put their backs into, but Ariyoshi brushed it off without a second thought.

About nine months after the broadcast, Eiji and a tall, beautiful woman resembling Minami Hamabe were spotted walking together in Shinjuku, where a spring breeze was blowing pleasantly. It was a little after 10:30 p.m., and Eiji was coming out of a convenience store in Kabukicho when he gently put his hand around her waist. They looked at each other with moist eyes and disappeared to a love hotel.

I wondered if this was the girlfriend in question. I talked to Eiji after work.

–I asked Eiji, after work, “Good evening, sir. The other day, I saw you entering a love hotel with a woman.

What? Yes, I did. Ah, ah, ah, ah…”

–I was wondering what I should do if it was an unfaithful partner. Are you sure it was the girlfriend you mentioned in “Ariyoshi’s Wall”?

Also, it’s a different girl and …… another …….”

–What? How did you meet her?

‘It’s a variety of …… (mouthing off). We recently started dating and ……”

The other woman, apparently a 24-year-old former underground idol, is ……. Is Ariyoshi interested in Eiji’s new love this time?

Eiji responds to an interview with this magazine. The comedian next to him, perhaps knowing the details of the situation, was laughing when he saw Eiji flinch.

From the March 31 and April 7, 2023 issues of FRIDAY

  • PHOTO Takero Shigumura, Masaaki Saito (direct interview)

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