Riho Yoshioka’s “Beige See-Through Shirt” Delights Fans! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Riho Yoshioka’s “Beige See-Through Shirt” Delights Fans!

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Riho Yoshioka at a decorating event (AFLO)

Actress and model Riho Yoshioka’s “beige see-through shirt” has become a hot topic. The official Instagram account of J-WAVE’s UR LIFESTYLE COLLEGE, a radio program in which she is a personality, released the photo, and comments such as “cute” and “lovely” poured in.

According to the program’s official website, the program “discusses better lifestyles with comfortable music” with “guests from various genres”, and is presented solely by UR, with Yoshioka, who is a commercial character for the company, serving as navigator since 2016.

The program’s Instagram account showed a shot of Yoshioka in the studio. She is sitting in front of a microphone and wearing headphones on her head. His face is tilted slightly to the side, creating a small dimple on his face, and he is smiling gently, which is soothing to watch. What is also interesting is Yoshioka’s attire. She is wearing a beige see-through shirt, and the black inner lining inside is showing through. It’s a very cute autumnal look, and it makes me a little nervous.

Incidentally, Yoshioka is holding a fruit Daifuku on a plate in her hand. This is …….

The fruit Daifuku that Yoshioka is holding is from “Bensaiten” in Kakuozan, Nagoya. Apparently, it was a post to inform the viewers that the program was planning to give away an assortment of 12 kinds of fruit Daifuku. On the program, Yoshioka said, “It’s gorgeous. The cross section is beautiful. It’s so packed with fruit that it’s like drinking juice! She was very impressed.

It was recently announced that Yoshioka will serve as the chairperson of the executive committee for the “Kansai Theater Festival 2021” to be held at Cool Japan Park Osaka SS Hall from November 20. The Kansai Theater Festival is an annual event held from 2019 with the aim of sending out new talents such as creators and actors from Kansai. This year’s event is the third.

Yoshioka is expanding the scope of her activities from drama, theater, and radio to being the chairperson of the executive committee. I can’t take my eyes off her any more!

  • Photo AFLO

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