“The former mistress of Shinnosuke Yamazaki, a member of the House of Councillors, angrily confesses that she was played for a fool! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

“The former mistress of Shinnosuke Yamazaki, a member of the House of Councillors, angrily confesses that she was played for a fool!

He has been in the spotlight since his victory in the runoff for the House of Representatives election on October 24. He was supposed to be a "daddy councilor" living with his wife and three children, but ......

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A part of their LINE communication (Mr. Yamazaki is on the left). Mr. Yamazaki was usually quiet, but when he wanted to hug her, his attitude changed.

One night in the summer of 2002, a couple was visiting the Nakatajima Sand Dunes in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, where many dramas have been filmed. One night in the summer of 2002, a couple was visiting this place. They were walking down the slope leading to the beach, when the woman was confused by the unsteady footing. The man beside her held out his hand. “Thank you,” said the woman. They strolled for about an hour, keeping their hands linked, and kissed. After confirming their feelings for each other, they returned to the car and hugged each other.

Mr. Yamazaki holds Ms. A (foreground) close to him on the bed. The location was her home, and the encounter was caught on a pet camera.

“That night, on the way home from dinner, he asked me out for a drive, and that’s when we started dating. He is a friend of mine who has been working with me for 10 years in an organization. However, since the beginning of our male-female relationship, I have never felt any pleasure from him. He only contacted me when he wanted my body, and ignored me otherwise. In the end, I can now say with certainty that I was used for his sexual gratification.

The person the woman (Ms. A) accuses of this is Mr. Shinnosuke Yamazaki (40). At the time of their relationship, Mr. Yamazaki was a member of the Shizuoka Prefectural Assembly. He had three children with his wife and was having an affair with Ms. A.

This fall, Mr. Yamazaki was the focus of nationwide attention. He was nominated by both the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the National Democratic Party of Japan, and defeated the LDP’s official candidate in the Shizuoka supplementary election, which was partially scheduled to coincide with the general election.

“The ruling party had hoped that Yamazaki’s victory would give them momentum for the general election coming up in a week’s time, by winning two elections in a row, along with the Yamaguchi supplementary election to be held on October 24. Mr. Yamazaki’s victory shattered that plan and was called the “Shizuoka Shock.

On the same day as the photo above, Mr. Yamazaki is relaxing on his bed with his pants off. He is believed to have visited her house on his way to greet his supporters.

One of the reasons Mr. Yamazaki has garnered so much support is his approachable character. In addition to posting about his daily political activities on Instagram, he also celebrates birthdays with his family and actively engages in housework. “In addition to posting about his daily political activities, he also celebrates birthdays with his family and actively engages in housework. But behind the scenes, he was having an affair with Ms. A. Mr. Yamazaki’s “true face” was so selfish.

Mr. Yamazaki’s “true face” was so selfish: “Since we got together in the summer of 2002, I haven’t been able to see her no matter how many times I contact her. At the end of the year, he told me one-sidedly, ‘I hope you find someone else and be happy,’ and I thought he had dumped me. But two months later, when I met him at a group dinner, he asked me to take him home.

Ms. A, who could not drink, took the wheel and drove the drunken Mr. Yamazaki home late at night. As he was getting out of the car, Mr. Yamazaki hugged her and kissed her.

“I was confused by this sudden act in front of his home, where his family was sleeping, and wondered why he would do such a thing.

Mr. Yamazaki then proceeded to seek out Ms. A as his desires dictated. The photo above shows the two men in action at Mr. A’s home. They often met secretly at Ms. A’s house.

She said, “He would call me out of the blue and say, ‘I’m going to the neighborhood today to greet people, can I come by after? I want to spend as much time as possible with him, but I can only see him for one or two hours. Most of them visited during the day and always went home at night.

This means that Mr. Yamazaki was enjoying these encounters in between his official duties as a politician. On the other hand, Ms. A was forced to go through this experience.

I really didn’t have much time that day,” she said. But he still hugged me when I entered the room and tried to push me down. I yelled out, ‘I really can’t do this,’ and he said, ‘Just give me five minutes.

In the evening, I once received a line from a business trip in the prefecture, telling Mr. A that he could meet me if he could sneak over to my hotel. If he had told her in advance, she would have been prepared, but the invitation was so sudden that she felt she was treated as if she were a delicatessen, called in whenever it suited her.

They had a physical relationship for about five years. During that time, there were times when they met only once a month, and other times when they could not be properly contacted for almost half a year. The only time Mr. Yamazaki would contact her was when he wanted her body.

“I suffered for a long time and was filled with distrust because of his attitude that he would never face me as a woman. I wanted him to at least know about my pain, and that’s why I filed this complaint.”

A part of their LINE communication (Mr. Yamazaki is on the left). Mr. Yamazaki was usually quiet, but when he wanted to hug her, his attitude changed.

After the summer of 2007, Ms. A began to feel that Mr. Yamazaki was distancing himself from her, and when she would complain on LINE that she missed him, he would just say that he was busy or that he was sorry.

As she struggled with her relationship with Mr. Yamazaki, she began to feel physically and mentally unwell. When she thought about Mr. Yamazaki, her heart began to palpitate and she could no longer control her emotions. She even had a stroke at work.

The two stopped seeing each other for about a year, but they continued to communicate on line. In the process, Mr. Yamazaki’s feelings for Ms. A grew again, and he began to receive messages from her like the following

I want to see you and talk to you from the bottom of my heart. I really want to see you and talk to you. I want to feel your expression, your breathing, your body heat. I can’t change what I couldn’t do for Mr. A in the past, but I want to make something even better in the future. There is no lie in this feeling. I will always love you too, Mr. A.” (August 23, 2008, all text except “Mr. A” is in Japanese)

After receiving this message, Ms. A’s heart was shaken. “In November 2008, she met Mr. Yamazaki in person for the first time in about a year, and he told her, “I want you to believe me. The two of them got back together there.

“But he hadn’t changed. Even after that, I didn’t think he really needed me. That’s why I met him again at the end of the year. That was when I asked him about his true feelings for me. I still can’t believe what he said at that time.

In the summer, Mr. Yamazaki sent her an enthusiastic message, “I will always love you,” and in the fall, they got back together.

Mr. Yamazaki, who got back together with Ms. A in the fall, said the following to her: “I don’t intend for our relationship to be a man-woman one. There is no future in a physical relationship, and you shouldn’t do that.

At these unexpected words, Ms. A ran out of the coffee shop in tears. After this, Mr. Yamazaki never once called or texted Ms. A to express his concern.

Mr. Yamazaki at the time of his victory on October 24. He had a big smile on his face after winning the fierce battle.

On November 1, we spoke with Mr. Yamazaki on his way to Hamamatsu Station.

I asked him, “Do you know Mr. A?

“Oh, yes, yes. I understand.”

Isn’t she having an affair?

“I don’t think so.

What is your relationship with Mr. A?

“Well, I’ve consulted with the police.

What do you mean?

“What do you mean? I’ve been receiving threats, or something like that. I know that she has feelings for me. I know she has feelings for me, but it’s not going the way I want it to, and I’m getting very emotional about it.

A-san’s emotional?

“Yes, yes. And, well, I don’t know what to call it, reality, ideals, and, well, delusions. It was quite a mixture.”

That’s why Mr. Yamazaki is consulting with the police.

“Yes, yes. And, well, in such a mixed situation of falsehood and reality, he threatened me in various ways. Well, I think he’s probably confused.

But aren’t the two of them actually in a relationship, and their emotions got tangled up in that relationship?

“Well, of course, she developed a liking for me, and I think there was an emotional part to it. I don’t know how much she liked me, but it went in a strange direction, and the attacks were so severe that I consulted with the police and a lawyer. I’ve been talking to the police and lawyers about it. I’m afraid I might be harmed.”

I also heard that he went to Ms. A’s house in between his official duties as a member of the prefectural assembly and engaged in the act. If this is true, it may call into question his qualifications as a member of the House of Councillors, a public office.

“Well, if that’s the case (the affair is true), then yes, it is. It’s not like I’m doing anything in between my official duties.

When interviewed in writing, he replied in general as follows

When interviewed in writing, he replied in general as follows: “I have met (Ms. A), but we have never had a male-female relationship. Considering the risk of harm to myself or my family, I consulted with a third party lawyer and the local police in January 2009.

Mr. Yamazaki denied all knowledge of his relationship with Ms. A, and dismissed her thoughts as “delusional. However, the photos and LINE conversations prove that the two had an extremely close relationship. Mr. Yamazaki will be stepping on a red carpet at the special Diet session to be convened soon.

  • Photo Kyodo News (at the time of his election)

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