Congressman Garssy Reads Humiliating Apology to the National Assembly | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Congressman Garssy Reads Humiliating Apology to the National Assembly

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Mr. Gershey accepted the punishment of “apologizing in the Diet” in early March (from his official YouTube channel).

This is a new phase for Mr. Gershey (Yoshikazu Azumaya), a member of the House of Councilors of the NHK Party, who was elected to the House of Councilors last summer.

Mr. Gurthy, who had been asked by the upper house to apologize on the floor of the Diet as a disciplinary measure, announced that he would accept the request. He will return to Japan and attend a plenary session in early March to read his apology.

The ruling and opposition parties have branded Mr. Gurthy, who has not once appeared in the Diet since becoming a Diet member, as a “disqualified Diet member,” and the matter has been taken to the Disciplinary Committee. The NHK party, which has many “enemies,” had no chance when it came to a majority vote, and the Disciplinary Committee voted by a majority to “apologize on the floor of the Diet” on January 22. The following is the worrisome statement of apology.

I am deeply sorry for disturbing the order in the House and bringing discredit to this institution, and I am deeply remorseful. I hereby humbly apologize.”

Mr. Gurnsey must read this sentence without adding a word.

For Mr. Gercy, the punishment is humiliating. The forces pushing for the punishment may also want to “expose” Mr. Gershie as he apologizes to the National Assembly.

The media has focused on his battle with Muneo Suzuki, who chairs the disciplinary committee, but it is rather Prime Minister Kishida’s people who are pushing hard for Gyasi’s expulsion. He is nothing but an obstacle to the operation of the administration, and I am sure they have not given up on trying to ‘take away’ his badge yet.

Mr. Garcie accepted the “floor apology” in order to avoid expulsion.

It is believed that he is considering a plan to return to Japan in early March, apologize on the floor of the House, and return to Dubai.

Since the beginning of the year, a police investigation into a series of revealing videos has been underway. There are several accusers, and the names of actor Go Ayano and Rakuten’s Hiroshi Mikitani are being discussed. Mr. Gershey has been requested by authorities for a voluntary interview, and he is wondering if he will be taken into custody when he returns to Japan on a blitz. He said he suspects that he will be taken into custody when he returns to Japan by blitz.

He also fears that his passport will be rendered unusable for some reason and that he will not be able to return to Dubai. Gershie questioned the police’s actions and told them, ‘My investigation is a national policy! ‘” (The same sports newspaper reporter).

It is not only “superiors” that Mr. Gershie is wary of. It is said that “someone who is not happy with Mr. Gershie may take some kind of action” against him when he returns to Japan. It is said that “someone who is not happy with Mr. Gershie may take some kind of action” against him. Gyorgy himself has been complaining about this for some time in a video.

It is an undeniable fact that there is a group of outlaws who are angry at Gyasi’s series of revelations, his money troubles, and his “mannerisms. Gyasi himself is aware of this, and that is probably why he has asked the authorities to protect him as a condition of his return to Japan.

NHK Party representative Takashi Tachibana is said to be considering hiring a private security company to provide security for Ghasi.

We wonder what kind of expression Mr. Garcie will show when he returns to Japan for the first time in a long while.

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