Do you have martial arts experience?” “Can you beat up an old man?” … “A college student was also involved in the murder of a 90-year-old man.
Can you hit an old man?
Do you have martial arts experience?
A smartphone seized from the rental car used in the crime left a horrifying message from a person believed to be the person in charge of the crime.
On February 22, four men were arrested for the robbery and murder of a man in Komae City, Tokyo. The suspects are Hiroyuki Nomura, 52, a civil engineer from Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture; Rikuto Nagata, 21, a civil engineer from Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture; Seigo Fukushima, 34, a judo therapist from Misato City, Saitama Prefecture; and A, 19, a private university student from Nakano Ward, Tokyo.
Nomura, Nagata, and A restrained a resident, Koyo Oshio, 90, at a house in Komae City with a cable tie and assaulted her all over her body, killing her. They are alleged to have robbed her of three luxury watches, diamonds, and other items. Fukushima apparently rented a rental car and assisted in the robbery and murder.
The police seem to be surprised that an active college student was involved. A, who attended a private university, was also engaged in “mama-activities” to earn money by dating older women. He rarely attended lectures and told his friends that he was ‘earning money by doing dangerous things.
Calling Himself a “High King
The four suspects who carried out the “black market job robbery” are believed to have been instructed by four men, including Yuuki Watanabe, 38, who was deported from the Philippines. The suspects, calling themselves “Ralphie,” “Kim,” and others, are believed to have given instructions to the perpetrators via the highly secretive “Telegram” application.
Watanabe called himself “The High King” and was living a luxurious life in a suite room at a top-class hotel until he was arrested by Philippine authorities. He was living a lavish lifestyle, indulging in casinos and clubs with the money he earned from “black market robberies” and special fraud. Even after his arrest, it is believed that he bribed camp staff and gave instructions to the perpetrators from the “VIP room,” which was equipped with an air conditioner and a computer.
The leaders of the criminal group, including Watanabe, offered the perpetrators favorable conditions, such as “10 million yen for robbery” and “1 million yen per day. On the other hand, they also used fear to control the perpetrators so that they would not leave the crime scene and would not tell the police about what was going on.
The perpetrators who applied for the job through social networking sites were asked to send a picture of their face and an image of their identification, such as a driver’s license. Once they sent the images, they received a message that said, ‘If you run away, you will be in terrible trouble. Since they had even told him about their family members, he could not simply leave, fearing that even his relatives would be harmed.
In fact, one of the perpetrators stated, “A stranger came to my house out of the blue,” and “I thought I was being watched. They may regret it later, saying, “I have joined a terrible organization. This method of control is the same structure as the special fraud cases run by gangs and semi-gangs.
Many of the smartphones and tablets provided by the Philippine authorities had had their data erased and initialized. It will take time to get to the bottom of this. However, the police are eager to investigate, hoping that the arrest of the four new suspects will make it easier for the perpetrators to make statements.
Photographed by: Shinji Hasuo