Yukina Kinoshita: “300 million yen lawsuit” behind her YouTube debut full of low ratings | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Yukina Kinoshita: “300 million yen lawsuit” behind her YouTube debut full of low ratings

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“I’m not sure what to make of this, but I think it’s a good idea.

This is the first time that I’ve seen a video of a woman who is in the middle of a “tapioca riot”. This is the first time I’ve been able to get a chance to see her in action.

The year before last, it was discovered that Kinoshita had sent an “intimidation DM” to the tapioca drink store where her sister works, saying, “I’ll do it with the whole office. He was fiercely criticized by the public, and it finally became the cause, and he retired from the entertainment industry last summer.

Afterwards, it was sued by the tapioca store in civil law, and the Tokyo District Court admitted Kinoshita’s threatening act in the trial on October 27, and ordered the payment of 400,000 yen in compensation. In response, Kinoshita opened a YouTube channel on the following day, the 28th. In his first video, he tearfully apologized for his actions, but was left in a daze.

“I thought about what I could do, but I really wanted to stand in front of everyone and work. Over the past two years, I’ve thought about many different jobs, but this is the only job I can do.

I thought about various jobs for the past two years, but I decided that this is the only job I can do.

The video received “likes” at first, but the number of “bads” (low ratings) has nearly quadrupled to 20,000 (as of October 29).

The reason why the viewers are so serious is because Kinoshita’s words and actions are “inconsistent. Kinoshita is currently in a loving relationship with Hidetoshi Miyuki, a member of J1 Shonan Bellmare. In her apology video, she said

“I want to work for the sake of my children and daughters, I have to work, and I want to do my best, so I would like to start from scratch again. Please keep working with me.”

But on the 26th of this month, he pleaded.

“I like sweatshirts too much. Aren’t these emblems too nice?

On the 26th of this month, he uploaded a photo of himself in a gray sweatshirt on Instagram. On September 3, Miyuki posted a photo of her and Kinoshita at a luxury hotel in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture, which was ridiculed by some as a “hotel photo.

“I’m not saying you have to show remorse all the time, but there is too much of a difference between this and the apology video. Ms. Kinoshita is still in an open relationship with Mr. Miyuki. She is free to do as she pleases, but I can’t blame anyone for thinking that she is playing with her new boyfriend while neglecting her children. Even if she says ‘for the sake of my child’ in her apology video, it doesn’t sound good at all.

Even so, there is a reason why she wants to resume her entertainment activities. In addition to the “tapioca trial,” Kinoshita has one more lawsuit on her hands. It is the so-called “beauty face mask trial”.

At that time when the tapioca store “threat” was found out, Kinoshita was serving as an image model of a beauty face mask. As the image of the face mask was damaged by a series of disturbances, a civil suit was filed in the Tokyo District Court by the cosmetics company etc. of the selling origin, and the damage compensation of about 300 million yen was demanded. The case is still pending.

“Now that the court has recognized the threat to the tapioca store, it is certain that the “face mask trial” will also be affected. It is unlikely that she will receive 300 million yen in compensation, but there is a possibility that she will have to pay a large amount.

If that happens, she will be in financial trouble. Since her retirement, she has been working as a billboard for a fashion brand, but that income alone would be very difficult to supplement. It is whispered that her announcement to resume her activities is due to her fears of future financial difficulties.

Kinoshita’s own “regrets” are also strong. A source who knows Kinoshita said

“When she was popular as a mommy-talet, she had about 5.3 million followers on Instagram, and to be honest, she used to earn more than a million dollars a month without doing anything. Wasn’t it ever so easy to make money? Financially speaking, I think he really wants to go back to that time.

I guess. “In the entertainment industry, it is said that “there are plenty of replacements. It remains to be seen whether Kinoshita will be able to make a breakthrough again, but we hope that she will overturn the public’s evaluation in a good way.

  • PHOTO Ippei Hara

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