I can’t stop looking at him! A cat that doesn’t look like a cat, Monta’s relaxed daily life | FRIDAY DIGITAL

I can’t stop looking at him! A cat that doesn’t look like a cat, Monta’s relaxed daily life

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A “calm and relaxed” cat living in Itoshima, Fukuoka Prefecture.

The cat’s owner saw him walking slowly and thought, “He looks like a bear! and took this photo. He looks just like a bear figurine with a lot of dignity!

Monta’s owner, who started living in the countryside in Itoshima, Fukuoka Prefecture. In October 2007, she visited a shelter cat sale to live with cats and met one called “Gizmo-chan” because he looked like a character in the movie “Gremlins.

He was very interested in sniffing and nibbling the grass in the garden. He is also very interested in the grass in the garden, sniffing and nibbling it, but he doesn’t even look at the cat grass I bought him.

“I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to raise them properly as a first-time animal owner. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to raise them properly as a first-time animal owner, but once I started living with them, I started to love them so much that they’ve become not just a part of my life but everything.

When I uploaded photos and videos of her on social media, her adorable appearance attracted a surge of fans.

“I was surprised by the response, but I was grateful for the useful information my followers gave me. I want to continue to live a long and leisurely life with Monta.

Once you find your favorite place, don’t move. When he is at the entrance, he looks like a cat that brings happiness.
Monta loves to be petted by her owner. Despite her unsociable expression, she is actually a sweetheart. She is very happy when you massage her.

A wooden bear, mistakenly thought to be a souvenir from Hokkaido.

The owner saw him walking slowly and thought, “He looks like a bear! He took this photo. He looks just like a bear figurine with a lot of dignity!
“I can’t stop touching it! Rubbing his soft pink paw pads makes you forget all about the bad times.
He eats his food at a leisurely pace. After a long day of sunbathing and walking, his food looks delicious.
When he finds something to use as a pillow, he puts his head on it and lounges around. She will stare at you intently, so if you put her on your lap, she will sleep peacefully.

I want to be hugged!

I snapped this photo of Monta laying down on a sheet and giving me a big hug. I’m sure he’s having a good dream.

The photobook “Monta’s Daily Life” (KADOKAWA) is now on sale.

From FRIDAY November5, 2021 issue

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