EXIT Kanekika Taiki and the “Sushiro Licking and Turning Man”… “Debate Grows” on How Much of the “Cross of Sin” Should be Burdened. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

EXIT Kanekika Taiki and the “Sushiro Licking and Turning Man”… “Debate Grows” on How Much of the “Cross of Sin” Should be Burdened.

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EXIT Kanekon admits that he had a past connection with “Luffy”, the instructor of the robbery. To what extent do we have to bear the cross of the past?

The comedy duo “EXIT” and Daiki Kanekika have been making headlines on the Internet for some time now.

It is well known that he has been arrested for prostitution and theft in the past, but his past is being rehashed once again after it was discovered that he had a connection with a suspect, Yuuki Watanabe, who is believed to be the “Ralphie” who directed a wide-scale robbery case.

Kanekon was arrested together with Watanabe and other suspects in a safe robbery in Sapporo more than 10 years ago. However, he has since been indicted and released.

Even so, he has been affected to no small extent because many people are put off by the heinousness of the Watanabe suspects and the fact that he was “hanging out” with them for a while.

On February 1, Kaneko made a live broadcast on his YouTube channel, admitting that he had a connection with “Luffy,” but emphasizing that he had not been in touch with him for more than 10 years. Referring to his personal life, he said

He also mentioned his own personal life, saying, “It’s more about the children than the marriage. I can’t proudly say now that my parents are like this. I don’t think that day will come now. If I have children, I will be attacked by the world, and I am the one who created the reason for that.

He also said, “If I have children, I will be attacked by people in the world, and I am the one who created the reason.

Since the uproar, the commercial videos featuring Kanekon and his partner, Rintaro-. The event in which they were scheduled to appear was canceled at the last minute. It was also reported in some quarters that “EXIT’s Belgian Popularity”, a TV program on TV Tokyo, would end in March.

In response to this situation, Hitoshi Matsumoto of “Downtown,” a senior member of Yoshimoto Kogyo, said, “I wish Kanekika all the best.

I wish Kanechika all the best!

and “I wish Kanekika all the best. Tamura Kenji also tweeted

I don’t think Japan should be a country that doesn’t accept people who atone for their sins, reflect on their sins, and work hard now.

I don’t think Japan should be a country that doesn’t accept people who atone for their sins, reflect, and are now working hard. A reporter for a sports newspaper commented

Yoshimoto Kogyo seems to have a united policy to protect Mr. Kanekon. I heard that his partner, Rintaro, is working behind the scenes. Yoshimoto Kogyo is also trying to protect Mr. Kanekon, who was born in a special environment.

Yoshimoto will not cut off Mr. Kanekon, who was born in a special environment and has been rehabilitated from his criminal background, although he was involved in a crime. They are keeping a close eye on the news related to Mr. Kanekon in the media.

He said, “He is a very good friend of mine.

In addition to comedians, journalist Nana Takamatsu and actor Shosuke Tanihara have also spoken out in support of Kanekika’s rehabilitation. Even on the Internet, voices defending Kanekika are spreading.

The Internet is also becoming a place where people are defending Kanekika. “Television programs have to deal with sponsors, so they have to be cautious until the Rufi case is settled. However, judging from the way Yoshimoto is moving, it seems as if he is leaving a “place of return” behind.

Another high school student who may have to bear a heavy “cross” in the future is Mr. A, who was a nuisance at the major conveyor-belt sushi chain Sushiro.

He was caught on video and his behavior was spread around the world. As a result, the stock price of Akindo Sushiro, which operates Sushiro, temporarily blew up over 17 billion yen.

The video was spread, and as a result, the stock price of Akindo Sushiro, the company that operates Sushiro, temporarily plummeted over 17 billion yen. Sushiro has filed a damage report with the police and will pursue criminal and civil liability in the future. If we were to assume that the decline in the stock price due to the nuisance act is the cause of the damage, the amount would be on the order of 10 billion yen,” said a reporter for an economic magazine.

(a reporter for an economic magazine). The word “bankruptcy” has been trending on the Internet for some time, and some people are sounding the alarm over the situation.

Georgia’s ambassador to Japan, Timraz Rezhava, wrote on Twitter

I am of course not in a position to give instructions in civil matters.

“I am of course not in a position to give instructions in civil matters,” he added.

I myself have been subjected to unjustified criticism of the boy on social networking sites. I myself am one of those who were offended by the unscrupulous images. However, it is also important to prevent the boy from being excessively hounded to the point of mental breakdown.

I called for this. The aforementioned economic journalist also

The “I think this time it’s more about making an example out of him for his nuisance behavior. Whether or not they will actually file a claim for compensation in the hundreds of millions of dollars remains to be seen.

There is a movement to support Sushiro on the Internet. He will have to decide how to make the most of this experience in the future.

He said, “I wonder how I will make the most of this experience in the future.

Some will end up working after a single mistake, others will change their minds. It all depends on the individual.

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