Congressmen and others in the Diet “suspended salaries” and “expelled” in a thorough campaign of encirclement, with Rep. Gershwin asking, “Is the world any better? | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Congressmen and others in the Diet “suspended salaries” and “expelled” in a thorough campaign of encirclement, with Rep. Gershwin asking, “Is the world any better?

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Rep. Gershey, who has not yet returned to Japan and has not yet appeared in the Diet (from his official YouTube channel)

NHK Party’s Mr. Gershey has never returned to Japan since his election to the upper house of the Diet last year. Naturally, he has never been to the Diet.

Even though he can do some of his parliamentary work online, he is required to appear in person only for the convocation of the Diet.

The kanji for “convocation” and “convocation” are often confused, but the kanji for “Diet” is “convocation. The reason is that the convocation of the Diet is a national event of His Majesty the Emperor, and in most cases, this kanji is used only when His Majesty “convokes” someone. In other words, if Senator Gyasi does not appear in the Diet, he is “ignoring” the convening of the Diet by the Emperor.

The Sankei Shimbun reported on February 3 that “apology” was the likely outcome.

There are four types of disciplinary punishments under Article 122 of the National Diet Act, and “apology” is described as a “public floor apology” by the legislator himself. In other words, if he returns to Japan during the Diet session, he must read out his “apology” in front of the entire Diet, or even the entire country, in public.

From the moment he ran for office, Senator Gershey said he would not go to the Diet, but judging from his refusal to go along with such an argument, it seems that he is the target of ire from all quarters. Do you think that Mr. Gershey, who has been bitterly bashing Prime Minister Kishida and others, will “apologize” on the floor of the House?

He has been slamming other Diet members who are not in the House and those who are sleeping during the Diet session, so I doubt that he will bow down for this. However, if he refuses to apologize, historically speaking, he is likely to be expelled from the Diet. In other words, he will lose his status as a member of the National Assembly. If he does so, he will lose his right to arrest, and he may be arrested. Mr. Garcie’s enemies may be drawing up such a blueprint.

Meanwhile, on March 3, the Democratic Party of Japan’s Constitutional Democratic Party and The Japan Innovation Party agreed to submit a bill that would “withhold the expenses of Diet members who do not come to the House of Representatives without justifiable reasons.

Jun Azumi, chairman of the National Diet Committee of the Rikken Democratic Party of Japan, said

Jun Azumi, a member of the National Diet Committee of the Rikken, argued that “if a member does not come to the House without a justifiable reason, the people demand that his or her expenses be suspended during that period.

Azumi argued that the bill was justified. Mr. Azumi responded, “This is not about a specific individual.

“It is not about any particular individual.”

However, the fact that he is proposing such a bill at this time suggests that he wants to “punish Senator Garcey.

He has not revealed the 47 prefectures he promised, nor does he have much material to expose the wrongdoings of the members of the Diet. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was elected by convincing the voters with his mouth.

Even in his paid online salon, he only exposes unknown celebrities and presidents of companies that no one cares about, and the general public has no interest. Nowadays, many people may be wondering why they voted for Mr. Gershwin.

The monthly salary of a Diet member is 1,294,000 yen, or 1,552,000 yen per year. To this is added a year-end allowance (bonus) of 6,350,000 yen per year, for a total of 2,187,000 yen as a minimum base. The annual amount of the former correspondence allowance, which does not require a receipt, is 12 million yen per year.

More than 33 million yen in taxpayer money is going to Diet members who are making money by running videos in Dubai. Other Diet members do not seem to think that they have no choice now that they have been elected.

On the 3rd, he posted on his Instagram

So? How is the world going to be better off by cutting my expenses alone?

Gershey posted on his Instagram page on March 3, “So? Will he be able to make an argument that will convince the public?

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