EXIT Kanekika Daiki’s “relationship with a suspect in a robbery case” sparked a “bullying scandal” that led to the cancellation of commercials and events. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

EXIT Kanekika Daiki’s “relationship with a suspect in a robbery case” sparked a “bullying scandal” that led to the cancellation of commercials and events.

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Daiki Kanekika of the comedy duo “EXIT” has been in the spotlight for his connection with a man who is believed to be the instructor of the “black job robbery” that has caused a stir in the world.

On February 1, Daiki Kanekika of the comedy duo “EXIT” held a live broadcast on his YouTube channel in response to the series of disturbances.

He had been taking questions on Twitter, but decided it would be better to answer them himself. However, he said that “there is no need to hold a press conference” because “it is not legal to disclose past crimes.

Kanekika has been arrested twice in the past, once for theft (Kanekika was not charged) and the other for a theft case in which he was arrested together with a suspect, Yuki Watanabe, who is believed to be directing a string of robberies across the country. About his relationship with the Watanabe suspect

I’m not close with him at all. However, it is true that we knew each other in the past. That is the kind of environment I was in. I lived in an environment where there were only people who were obviously committing crimes.”

What I want to say is that I had nothing to do with this [robbery].”

On the other hand, it is unclear whether this incident had anything to do with the fact that the commercial for Ace Coc has been removed, and the Yves Saint Laurent Beaute event in which Kaneko was scheduled to appear on January 1 was abruptly canceled.

He has been convicted of controlled prostitution in the past,” said Kanechika, “and he has been fined. Theft, as described in his autobiographical novel, was a frame-up and arrest.

When he explained the situation to the police, he was released and not charged. However, the part that is rumored to be the most “dangerous” on the Internet is the part where he confesses that he bullied a classmate and drove him to suicide.

In Kanekika’s autobiographical novel “Bare”, the main character learns that a classmate who bullied and abused him in the early grades of elementary school transferred to a new school and died after choking on meat at the new school.

When he learned that the bully had died after choking on meat at his new school, the protagonist said, “I’ll be at peace now that that filthy bastard is dead!

but he later learned that he had also been severely bullied and died at his new school. It was my fault that I moved.

No wonder I killed him.

It goes on to say.

While he claims to have a “vivid memory,” he also recounts a scene in which he recalled that he had “erased it from my memory because it was inconvenient.

When asked about the truth behind the bullying on Twitter, Kanekondo replied, “It’s a novel, you know.

It’s a novel, right? Do you watch movies?

He replied, “It’s a novel. Then he replied

I want you to answer yes or no to the question, “Do you have a history of driving people to suicide because of bullying?

I did not answer this question.

However, in the live broadcast on the 1st, he answered that he had never bullied anyone.

I have not.

He denied that he had ever bullied anyone. On the other hand

I didn’t say that I didn’t bully him, but that I tried not to see it.

On the other hand, he also answered, “It is correct to say that I did not ‘see’ the bullies.

As for the bullying scenes in his book

There were manga and novels about bullies. I was inspired by those things and incorporated them into the story.

He said, “I was inspired by those things and incorporated them into the story.

If I took inspiration from other manga and novels, then the novel would be treated as fiction. The public is very sensitive about bullying, and in the past, musician Keigo Oyamada also dropped out of the Tokyo Olympics job because of bullying during his school days.

I believe that Mr. Kanekon was answering questions in good faith on this matter. I don’t think he imagined that his relationship with the suspect in the robbery case would have sparked the bullying issue in his novel…” (Wide show insider)

On the 2nd, Hitoshi Matsumoto of “Downtown” updated his Twitter page and wrote

I wish Kanechika all the best.

He sent a message of encouragement, saying, “I hope Kanekika does well. How will Kanekika overcome this rough patch?

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