EXIT Kanekika and Rurei Miura: “Even if they canceled their appearances on the program,” the position of “commentator” is still tough even if it is a bluff. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

EXIT Kanekika and Rurei Miura: “Even if they canceled their appearances on the program,” the position of “commentator” is still tough even if it is a bluff.

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EXIT’s Daiki Kanekika (left) and his husband Rurei Miura (right), whose house was raided, have been linked to “Luffy,” who is believed to be the main suspect in the “black job robbery.

Daiki Kanekika of the comedy duo “EXIT” has been hit by a stray bullet.

It has been learned that Yuuki Watanabe, a suspect believed to be the possible leader “Rufie” in the Komae City, Tokyo, robbery-murder case, is being held at a facility near Manila, Philippines. In addition to the Komae City incident, there have been a number of robberies in the Kanto area, and the suspect is suspected to be involved.

The Japanese government has requested the extradition of the suspect to the Philippines, and the Philippine government plans to comply. However, Watanabe is facing criminal charges in the Philippines for violation of the Violence Against Women and Children Prevention Act, and extradition to Japan is expected to take time.

As soon as Watanabe’s name was reported in the news, reporters on the case began to investigate her “relationship” with EXIT Kanekika.

Kanekika admitted to having been arrested for violation of the Anti-Prostitution Law and theft in the past, and it is believed that he had a connection with Watanabe in the latter case. According to media reports at the time, on April 22, 2012, the Hokkai Hokkaido Police arrested Kanekika and four others on suspicion of theft for stealing a safe containing approximately 10 million yen in cash from a room in an apartment in Chuo-ku, Sapporo. One of them is believed to be the suspect in this case, Watanabe.

While this became a hot topic on the Internet, the actual Kanekika opened his mouth in the talk live “EXIT Yin Paris Talk – Interaction with You Vol. 22,” which was distributed live on January 29.

Although he did not use Watanabe’s name or the word “Rufi,” he said.

I was in that kind of place to begin with, and it’s something that came out four years ago, so… I thought I was making you all a little sad.

I would like to reiterate that I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you. I am truly sorry about that.”

He apologized for causing various speculations and making his fans sad.

It is believed that he was not prosecuted for the theft case, and the Internet has been filled with speculation that

Some people said, “It’s not right for Kaneko to be treated as if he were a villain.

On the other hand, some people involved in the TV station commented, “He has a problem with current affairs as a commentator.

He also deals with current affairs as a commentator. If it is true that Watanabe, who was arrested together with Kanechika, was one of the “Rufi” suspects, it would be difficult for him to comment on the matter. Even for those who use him, he may be asked to refrain from appearing on news programs, let alone variety shows, for moral reasons.

Some have pointed out that “even if the “users” of the program are willing to use it, they may refrain from appearing on news programs for moral reasons. Kaneko said in a live broadcast

If you feel sad when you see something slanderous or disgusting, I will tell you that he is not that bothered by it. It’s something that can’t be helped…”

He continued. He continued

It’s about what I’m going to do from now on. I’m going to continue to make you laugh for a long time to come. I don’t want you to get too hurt…”

He again expressed his concern for his fans.

In the area of commentary, international politician Rurei Miura cancelled her appearance on Fuji Television’s “Mezamashi 8” program due to a raid by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on a company owned by her husband. The station said it was a “comprehensive judgment” made by the agency.

On the official website of the think tank “Wildcat Research Institute,” of which Mr. Miura is the president, he stated that the raid was “a fact” and added, “As for me, I have no intention of running my husband’s company.

I was not involved in the management of my husband’s company, and I have no knowledge of this.

I am willing to cooperate fully with the investigation. As for my family, we will continue to support my husband and watch the transition.

The family will continue to support my husband and watch the situation as it unfolds,” she commented. Although the Internet has been abuzz with criticism of Miura’s comments, her husband has not been arrested at this time, and there is no evidence that he is under investigation.

Still, the job of a commentator is subject to strict screening. In the current social networking society, the media has become more concerned about online reactions.

Until then, the two had been on the side of those who “wanted to use” them in information programs, but now that they have been involved in this case, their reputation is likely to change,” said one of the aforementioned TV insiders.

said a TV insider. It seems that all they can do now is to wait for the heat to die down.

  • PHOTO. Toshikatsu Tanaka (Miura)

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