Dr. Suidobashi resigns from Congress…What to do and what not to do with “depression” symptoms in middle-aged men | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Dr. Suidobashi resigns from Congress…What to do and what not to do with “depression” symptoms in middle-aged men

Interview with Dr. Hideki Wada, psychiatrist

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The more serious the problem,” warns psychiatrist Dr. Hideki Wada. Men in their 40s and 50s and up should not let their mood swings go unchecked. Restrictions on corona behavior are harmful.” Photo by Fukuoka Kozo

<16> On July 16, Reiwa Shinsei Gumi representative Taro Yamamoto announced the resignation of Dr. Suidobashi, a member of the upper house of the Diet belonging to his party. Dr. Suidobashi was first elected to the upper house in July 2022, and he had changed his trademark blond hair to black and expressed his desire to “devote himself to politics. However, in November of the same year, he announced that he was suffering from depression and took a leave of absence.

Dr. Hideki Wada, a psychiatrist, said, “Dr. Suidobashi’s leave of absence from the Diet has great significance for people suffering from the same depression. The following is a recapitulation of an article published on November 20, 2010, regarding the “depression of middle-aged men” that is becoming more serious due to the COVID-19 crisis>.

The Meaning of Publicizing Mental Illness

Dr. Suidobashi, a member of the Diet, has suspended his activities as a Diet member because he is ‘depressed. This is very meaningful. Not a resignation, but a suspension. Depression is a disease, so it is natural to see a doctor and receive treatment when you feel symptoms. It is natural to take a break from work during that time. The fact that a person with the status of a Diet member did not hide his illness and took time off work should be an encouragement to many people with the same symptoms. It will also deepen understanding of the disease. As a doctor and as an individual, I think it is a very good thing.

Psychiatrist Dr. Hideki Wada said, “When someone complains of depressive symptoms, I think it’s a good thing to do.

When someone complains of depressive symptoms, there are three major types of illnesses: depression, bipolar disorder, and adjustment disorder. According to WHO According to WHO statistics, people with depressive symptoms account for about 3% of the population, and it was originally a disease of middle-aged and older people. It is a common disease.

However, especially in Japan, there is an atmosphere of reluctance to publicize these mental illnesses. This makes people hesitant to see a doctor, and delays in treatment can exacerbate the disease. Some people suffer from depression for years or decades.

If only former Prime Minister Abe had disclosed his depression…

Once Prime Minister Bondivik of Norway became so depressed that he announced he was taking a leave of absence from his duties. After a four-week break, he returned and served as prime minister. What do you think happened after that? The number of suicides in Norway dropped dramatically. Even great people get depressed, and even if they get depressed, they get better. And it can be cured. The people got the strong message that life is not over and there is no need to die. It’s an enlightenment. It is a wonderful thing.

In Japan, for example, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe resigned from the prime minister’s office because of an intestinal disorder. What if he had taken medical treatment instead of resigning? Also, what if he had announced that he had a mental illness instead of a bowel disease? I think the atmosphere of psychiatry in Japan would have been very different.

Three illnesses suspected in “depression

Depression is defined by the DSM-5 The three diseases that are suspected in “depression” are: “Depression has a diagnostic criteria called ‘DSM-5. The DSM-5 was revised in 2013. revised in 2013. revised in 2013. Diagnostic Manual. There are nine specific criteria, including depressed mood, insomnia, fatigue, weight loss, and loss of motivation, and if five of these episodes last for two weeks, the patient is diagnosed as depressed. One important thing to note is that “manic” states, in which the person is too energetic to feel depressed, etc., but conversely Bipolar Disorder” is diagnosed if the patient has had at least one “manic” episode. If you have a manic episode, you are diagnosed as having bipolar disorder. If you feel depressed at work or school but fine at home, you may have an adjustment disorder. At first glance, the symptoms may seem similar, but the treatment methods are different. Therefore, self-judgment is very dangerous. It is important not to judge yourself, but to see a specialist and receive appropriate treatment.”

These three diseases tend to be confused with each other, and incorrect treatment can make them worse, he says. The reason he does not hide the illnesses and recommends seeing a doctor is because he is wary of such negative effects.

In the case of depression, cognitive therapy is the first step. Medication is also effective. But in the case of those in their 20s or so, it’s a little different. The case of a person in his or her twenties is a little different, and is often an adjustment disorder rather than depression. Medication is not effective. But in the case of adult depression, serotonin is effective. 40s 40s 50s. In our 40s and 50s, as we age, our hormonal balance is disturbed and the amount of serotonin in our bodies decreases. This is where serotonin is administered from the outside. This works very well.

Many patients are cured after taking the medication for a few weeks to a few months.

Characteristics of “prone” people

The typical person who is prone to depression is someone who has a rigid mindset. They think, “This is the only way! I have no choice but to follow this path! They are very serious.

This is the only way, but it doesn’t work out. Then they think, “Oh, no, that’s it. People who think, “If this road doesn’t work, let’s go that way,” don’t get depressed.

A politician like Junichiro Koizumi, when he was Prime Minister of Japan, was a postal worker. When he was prime minister, he was asked if he could privatize the postal service. When he was asked if he could privatize the postal service, he replied, “You won’t know until you try. He also said that life is full of different things. People like that do not get depressed. He is a different type from former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

In the case of Dr. Suidobashi, I think he became a member of the Diet and thought that he had to act like a member of the Diet or something.

Restrictions on Corona Behavior Are Harmful

When serotonin levels are low due to a drop in male hormones, men become less motivated and socializing becomes a nuisance. Not just in female relationships, but in socializing in general. Then they become dependent on alcohol and poor judgment. . Especially in the case of bipolar disorder, the mood swings are so extreme that it can cause burnout. They may even commit suicide. Even if they don’t commit suicide, they may become so fed up with everything that they become self-neglectful. The way of life becomes messy.

The COVID-19 crisis has reduced my opportunities to go out, which has added to this. Serotonin is produced by exposure to sunlight, so we shouldn’t stay cooped up at home.”

It is said that the “8th wave” of the new type of coronas has arrived, but Dr. Wada says that the increased restriction of activities has “nothing but negative effects.

How much does not going out and not meeting with people weaken a person? Prohibition of visits in hospitals and elderly care facilities To this COVID-19 crisis, the annual million elderly people a year. million elderly people die each year without being cared for by their relatives. Government measures are making people unhappy. We can change the new corona from class 2 to class 5. But the rigid thinking and assumptions of what should be done are preventing it. It’s the same way of thinking as people who get depressed.”

When someone you care about becomes depressed…

Still, we have to survive within the rules that have been set. With the COVID-19 crisis and recession inevitable, it is not uncommon to feel down.

When that happens to someone you care about, it’s better to encourage them to seek medical attention than to give them easy encouragement. I often encourage them by telling them to keep up the good work. This makes them feel even more self-loathing. If it is your husband, partner, or someone close to you, the right thing to do is to say, “You’re acting a little strange lately, let’s go see a psychiatrist.

I think this is the hubris of Japanese people, who try to do things by themselves that should be left to professionals. They try to do things by themselves that should be left to professionals. It is the same with nursing care.

Instead of trying to take on the burden on your own, leave it to the professionals. Your mental health is your first priority. Live for yourself rather than for your work or for something else. If you need to take a break, just take a break. Don’t think, “I have to be this way,” and laugh at the many things in life. I’m trying to get a smile back on my face.”

Everyone has been feeling irritable, angry, and unable to sleep lately. We want to live with a smile on our face. I only hope that Dr. Suidobashi and others suffering from mental illnesses will recover so that they can live peacefully.

Dr. Wada’s bookshelves in his clinic are lined with his own writings on psychiatry. A large number of specialized books and materials for study are kept in a separate area.
  • Photo by Fukuoka Kozo

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