Top 3 Manga Read by Reiwa] “Homeroom,” a Drama Adaptation of the Crazy World of “Love and Obsession | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Top 3 Manga Read by Reiwa] “Homeroom,” a Drama Adaptation of the Crazy World of “Love and Obsession

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After the tumultuous year of 2022, Reiwa is now in its fifth year. Over the past four years, FRIDAY Digital has distributed more than 150 manga-related articles. We would like to take a look back at the top three most popular articles among them.

Homeroom” Manga: Chiyo

The manga “Home Room,” starring Hiroki Yamada (32), was dramatized and became a topic of conversation. Yamada, who was popular as a good-looking actor, performed about 40% of his role in the drama in the nude, which was a big hit and became a cult hit, trending frequently on Twitter. In the TVer viewer rankings immediately after the broadcast, it ranked first, beating out such national dramas of the time as “Ship of Theseus” (TBS) and “Koi wa niku wa dokondu yo dokoide” (TBS).

The heroine is Sachiko, a serious high school girl with big breasts. She is bullied on a daily basis by some of her classmates. The bully is saved by a refreshingly handsome teacher, Mr. Aida, a.k.a. Lovelin. Sachiko has a strong yearning and love for Mr. Lovelin, who comes to her rescue whenever she is in trouble, comparing him to “Napoleon”.

From the first episode of “Home Room. What lurks under the bed of the heroine Sakurako? / Manga: Chiyo

However, the school-like development of pure love between teacher and student crumbles after just the first few pages. In fact, the story takes a sharp turn when it is revealed that Lovelyn is actually the perpetrator of the bullying. And as one reads further, new abnormal characters appear one after another. Sachiko, who was supposed to be the heroine of the tragedy, is no exception. ……

Why does this work, spun by the up-and-coming manga artist Chiyo, attract people so much? The secret can be found in the storylines that defy all manga theories and readers’ predictions and expectations. The way in which each story ends is also outstanding. Each story ends with an abrupt development that upsets the previous storyline or reveals some kind of plot. The reader is left wanting to continue reading the next story. It is a masterpiece that shines with a composition that is as meticulously calculated as the lovelines in the story.

All eight volumes of “Home Room” are now on sale. Why not take this opportunity to start reading them?

To purchase the first volume of “Home Room,” click here.

Click here for the first three episodes of "Home Room"!

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