Soichiro Tahara’s comments on “Live TV till Morning” drew fire… The name of “Toru Tamagawa” is raised as a candidate to succeed him…

Journalist Soichiro Tahara has come under fire early in the new year. It all started with the January 1 broadcast of “Live TV till Morning! (TV Asahi) on January 1.
(TV Asahi). The topic was “Can Japan be rebuilt? (Asahi Television) on January 1, the topic of discussion was “Can Japan be rebuilt?” To which former NHK employee and journalist Nana Takamatsu responded, “No. She pointed out that only 20% of young people in Japan think they can change Japan, and she argued that the seniority system and inefficient customs should be reexamined to create a society in which young people can participate.
To this, Mr. Tahara responded
Is your answer really NO? Do you really think Japan will improve? Or don’t you?”
Takamatsu responded with a question, “Do you really think Japan will get better? To which Mr. Takamatsu replied
I don’t think so.
When Mr. Takamatsu replied, “I don’t think so,” Mr. Tahara suddenly became furious.
Then get out of my country!
Then get the hell out of my country!
When this became an Internet news item, Mr. Tahara was inundated with criticism. Since he is 88 years old, the Internet was full of criticism.
It is strange that he does not accept objections.
That’s why young people lose hope.
and “That’s why young people lose hope.
After the program, Mr. Tahara posted the following message on Twitter
I apologize for the inconvenience. I want Mr. Takamatsu to continue to work hard and not despair, so I took out my feelings on him. Please continue to work with me.
He apologized. Although the uproar had largely died down, businessman Hiroyuki
Whenever a young person comes out to point out problems in Japan, people say, “Then get out of this country! People who say, “Then, get out of this country! The number of Japanese living abroad (except for the COVID-19 crisis) continues to increase as the rich and those with brains who can make money overseas quietly leave Japan.
The number of Japanese living abroad continues to increase (excluding the Corona disaster),” he tweeted in disgust.
Mr. Tahara’s “outbursts” are a specialty of the program, and that is one of the charms of the morning show, but this time he went too far. The program side may have found it hard to pay attention to Mr. Tahara because of his distinguished service. I think it is hard for the program to pay attention to him.
said a person involved with the TV station. In the September 25 broadcast of last year, he continued to talk endlessly and was stopped by a co-host.
When Satoshi Fujii, a professor at Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Economics, began to talk about the sluggish Japanese economy, Mr. Tahara said to him, “That’s not true!
That’s not true!
and cut in. Taking the initiative, he launched into a major speech, beginning with the Yasuhiro Nakasone Cabinet and then moving on to foreign exchange and the revision of the Status of Forces Agreement between Japan and the United States. To this, international political scientist Rurei Miura responded.
Mr. Tahara, it’s turning into a monologue.
Mr. Tahara’s speech was a monologue,” he said calmly, “and you’re making it into a monologue. Tahara replied.
I don’t think people know about this, so…”
Mr. Tahara persisted, “No, I don’t think people know about this…” but Mr. Miura’s words were not enough.
“Once for a while, go to commercial!
Mr. Miura’s call for a “pause for commercials” was enough to switch to commercials.
Needless to say, “Morning Live” is a program that is only possible with Mr. Tahara’s presence. The program has many fans, so if a problem arises, Mr. Tahara will accept it and make the most of it to continue the program. However, no program lasts forever. In this context, the name of Toru Tamagawa, an employee of the station, has been mentioned by some within the station as a possible post-Tahara Soichiro.
Last September, Mr. Tamagawa criticized former Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide’s speech at the state funeral of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, saying that “Dentsu is behind it.
“Dentsu is involved.
This became a major problem. This became a major issue and he was suspended. Currently, he appears regularly on the station’s “Hatori Shinichi Morning Show” as a “reporter,” but he covers fewer political topics than in the past, which leaves something to be desired.
Because of his “Dentsu” comment, it seems that he has decided not to discuss sensitive topics with Mr. Tamagawa for a while. Mr. Tamagawa is an employee of TV Asahi, so he seems to be following the policy. However, I do not know what he is really thinking.
TV Asahi must prepare a suitable stage in order to keep Mr. Tamagawa, who will retire this year. It may be a long time in the future, but I think he would be a good choice to replace Mr. Tamagawa on the “morning show. Mr. Tahara also seems to be impressed with Mr. Tamagawa’s blunt remarks and reporting attitude.
I would like to see “Asa Sei” under Mr. Tamagawa’s leadership at least once, but who knows…?
Photo: Afro