The photo of Rio Hirai’s husband who was sued by Yoko Kumada’s husband | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The photo of Rio Hirai’s husband who was sued by Yoko Kumada’s husband

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Rio Hirai shows off her love for her future husband, Mr. A, in public (2006).

The celebrity Yoko Kumada is currently in court against her husband for alleged domestic violence. The husband, however, reportedly filed a lawsuit against Kumada and Mr. A, claiming that his wife had an affair with Mr. A, a TV station employee, and claiming defamation and compensation for infidelity.

“According to the article in the Shukan Bunshun, the DNA of the semen collected from Kumada’s adult goods matched Mr. A’s and was submitted to the court as evidence. However, Kumada’s side strongly refuted this claim, saying that there was no truth to it, and they were in direct conflict.

(Wide show insiders) The one who got caught up in the Kumada couple’s trial was the freelance announcer, Rio Hirai. (Wide show insider) The freelance announcer, Rio Hirai, was caught in the middle of the Kumada’s trial.

In response to the report, Ms. Hirai said through her office that she did not have any private contact with him, but she also implicitly admitted that her husband was being sued, saying, “This is a question related to the lawsuit, and Hirai is not in a position to answer it. It seems that Anna Hirai was quite shocked by her husband’s infidelity that suddenly hit her happy family,” said a reporter from a women’s magazine.

In addition, “Nikkan Gendai” introduced the response from the representative of the husband, Mr. A, “It is true that a complaint has been filed, but there is no evidence and we feel like suing him for wrongful death. Mr. and Mrs. Hirai were caught up in an unexpected situation, but they will probably continue to insist that they are innocent.

They have been known as an amicable couple. This magazine has witnessed their “friendly two shots” on many occasions. Hirai’s relationship with Mr. A first came to light in 2006. It was a drive to Karuizawa for a sleepover date.

“Hirai was a Fuji TV station announcer at the time, and was said to be the most popular among young female announcers. Her first report of her love life was a date with her current husband, Mr. A.

Even though she is a popular female announcer, their lovemaking became a hot topic as they hugged in a service area without being seen and kissed in the car.

They were buying manga together at a convenience store in 2011.

Six years after their relationship was discovered, they reached the goal in 2012. In 2005, she gave birth to her long-awaited first child….

“I’m not sure what to make of this. “It’s hard to say that she is successful in what is known as the “era of freelance announcers. She must be very angry at the sudden situation. I’m sure she’s very angry, but I’m sure she’ll trust her husband.

(Sports reporter) Ms. Hirai had shown many examples of “marital bliss” in this magazine. We hope that the family will continue to smile together in the future.

They were very much in love at the time, kissing in the car, but…
Mr. A crossed the street, keeping an eye out for traffic, as if to protect Anna Hirai (2011).
  • PHOTO Naomi Horikawa (1st, 2nd), Soichiro Koriyama (3rd, 4th)

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