#7 of the images Sairi Ito, Issei Takahashi & Iide, Kaho… “19 hot love shots of handsome and beautiful women” taken by FRIDAY in 22 years | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Right: Katamari, who decided to marry a popular idol after one year of dating, was smiling all the time, choosing her words carefully, even when FRIDAY suddenly asked her directly. Left: Sakurako heads to Katamari’s house after a live concert. Left: Sakurako heading to Katamari’s house after the concert. She was introduced to Katamari by Shunsuke Ito of “Oswald” and they hit it off right away.

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Sairi Ito, Issei Takahashi & Iide, Kaho… “19 hot love shots of handsome and beautiful women” taken by FRIDAY in 22 years


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