Satomi Ishihara’s “daring pink dress with bare shoulders” will delight fans…! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Satomi Ishihara’s “daring pink dress with bare shoulders” will delight fans…!

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Satomi Ishihara at a fashion magazine event (AFLO)

Actress Satomi Ishihara’s “overly bold pink dress with her shoulders exposed” has become a hot topic. The photo was taken when she was on the cover of beauty magazine “MAQUA”.

The magazine ran an article titled “Satomi Ishihara: The Power of Beauty to Make Me Stronger”. It featured a large photo of Ishihara with her hair cut short.

In the photo, Ishihara is wearing a Gucci pink dress and shoes. There is a shot of her with her chin resting on her hand, looking at the camera with ennui, a shot of her covering her mouth with her hand to hide the fact that she is smiling, and a shot of her sitting on a sofa showing off her gorgeous dress. Her trademark plump lips are very striking and cute.

In the interview in the article, Ishihara talks about her approach to makeup.

In the interview, Ishihara explains how she approaches makeup: “When I create a role, I have a makeup meeting at the same time as the costume meeting. I basically do my own make-up, so I spend the night spreading out the cosmetics and thinking, ‘This is the kind of girl I want to play, so I’ll use this color.

“If I see something in a magazine or TV drama that makes me want to be this kind of woman or have this kind of personality, I try to copy the makeup of that person.

“In my case, if I wear mascara, I look completely different (laughs). On the other hand, when I’m not wearing mascara or a pewterer, I’m in a relaxed mode.

The book is full of Ishihara’s golden words. This is a must-read for all adult women. There are also photos of Ishihara in a suit, making this article a must-read for fans.

Ishihara is appearing in the movie “And Then the Baton Was Passed” which will be released on October 29th. In this movie, based on Maiko Seo’s novel of the same title, Ishihara plays the role of “Rika,” a free-spirited woman who changes her husband several times.

“Rika is a fearless and mysterious character, so I read the script thinking that it would be a difficult role. I read the script thinking it would be a difficult role, but I found it to be gentle and warm, but also sad and full of love, just like the original.

Ishihara commented on his official website. I can’t take my eyes off Ishihara any longer. ……!

  • photo AFLO

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