A professional “combat technology group” has planned the project! The shocking contents of the “security grab bag” that is now selling like hotcakes! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

A professional “combat technology group” has planned the project! The shocking contents of the “security grab bag” that is now selling like hotcakes!

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Fukubukuro” is one of the year-end and New Year’s events at department stores and supermarkets. In recent years, such events have also been seen in online games, etc. Perhaps reflecting the current world of public disorder, a new type of fukubukuro was created based on the concept of “being able to be strong. The name is “Security Fukubukuro.

It contains a lot of shields and self-defense equipment.

Technically, it is a box, not a bag, but when you open the lid, you will find a whip, attack sticks, shields, tourniquets, hanging gear, and other items that you would never find in a normal grab bag. On the back, it says, “This product is designed to be used at home or on your own property. Carrying it outside the home may violate the law.

This grab bag, which looks like a set of equipment from a role-playing game, is priced at 50,000 yen! Despite this, as soon as it went on sale on November 30, 50 sets were sold out by December 1.

The people who manufactured and sold them were not amateurs. It was made by Tamura Equipment Development, a company that has trained more than 10,000 police officers and Self-Defense Force officers in the art of war, and the concept was a “crime prevention grab bag. The concept is not a gag, but a real crime prevention bag.

Recently, incidents of murder and injury have been occurring in places that were once considered safe, such as elementary schools, trains, and university campuses. One should be especially careful when using public institutions. We have started deploying susumata at train stations and other places, but those can easily slip through from the side, and their shape is designed to suppress aggression, so their deterrent effect is close to zero. They are extremely difficult to suppress. I can’t help but wonder why something like that was so widely used. We want to make and deliver something truly useful–this is how this crime prevention grab bag was born.

says Tadatsugu Tamura, 41, the company’s representative and a former member of the Mobile Tactical Unit (known as RATS) of the Security Department of the National Police Headquarters. When he was in his current position, he was the winner of the police academy arresting technique competition (manual) and the riot police arresting technique competition (manual), and has also subdued and arrested foreign criminal groups with weapons.

The company is composed of members from the special forces of the police and the Self-Defense Forces, and also manufactures and sells self-defense and crime prevention goods designed for use in “gachi” situations. Mr. Tamura describes an example of the use of this grab bag.

For example, a burglar breaks into your house. Even if you call the police or a security company, it will take time for them to arrive. If you are single, you may give up the idea of having your money or goods stolen and run away or hide. However, if you have a family, especially small children, you cannot run away. We have to do something to save our lives.”

If you are right-handed, you equip the shield on your left arm and hold the stick with your right hand. As you can see from the shape of the shield, it can also attack with the tip and other parts, and can be attacked with both hands. It is made of a light and sturdy aluminum alloy, so even women can use it.

It is up to us to protect our loved ones and ourselves. We seriously considered what kind of equipment would enable a man or woman with no combat training to subdue a knife-wielding intruder.

An attack stick can inflict considerable damage even with a woman’s strength if she presses down from above on the shins of both legs of a prone opponent. However, the attack force is quite high. If equipped outside the home or off the premises, it does not fall under the Firearms Law, but it could be the subject of a misdemeanor law enforcement action. It is difficult to carry a firearm for self-defense for reasons such as ‘I don’t want to get in trouble if I get in trouble. It is only for protecting the home, but because it is, we can guarantee its effectiveness.

Thanks to your support, the product has been selling well and we are currently out of stock. If we get 500 or so requests for the product, we will consider reproducing and selling it again.

For those who want to get one right away but can’t, we asked Tamura about a simple self-defense technique. First of all, what to do when someone grabs you by the chest.

If you are right-handed, lock your opponent’s hand with your left hand, and at the same time, snap your right hand and strike the target from below with the back of your hand. When stepping in, do not forget to guard your right foot to protect your kanate.

When you are at a distance from an attacker, you should run away without getting too close, but when you are at a distance from him, you need to know how to defend yourself,” he said.

If you strike an attacker in the face with your bare hands, you could puncture his teeth or injure him by punching him in the thick skull. Make an L-shape with your thumb and forefinger and aim for soft spots like the throat, nose, or eyes. The fist will not be hurt if the blow is made with the side of the little finger when the hand is held, called a hammer punch. Also, eye crushing gives the image of aiming at the eyes with the choki, but it misses and hurts the fingers, so make it a par and let it wilt like a whip to strike the eyes.”

The self-defense techniques taught by a group of professional combat techniques are different from what people are used to.

I repeat this because it is important, but it is all for self-defense. It is important to keep in mind that you should fight back when you are attacked and have no choice but to do so.

It is not okay to hit back when you are hit, but to run away when you can. If you can get away with it, run away. If you can get away with apologizing, bow your head. However, you may find yourself in a situation where none of these actions will be effective. In such a situation, we have no choice but to fight bravely and courageously.

A shield and an attack stick are the best tools to protect you from a fall. It is a sad time when a goody bag is created for “the pleasure of using it,” but it would be better if you never have to use it.

I hear they are instructing police officers and self-defense officers to do the same.
They say they look like antiques when displayed on the wall.
  • Photo by Takero Yui Interview and text by Daisuke Iwasaki

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