Record-low approval ratings, hell “to raise taxes at will” with Kishida’s “power to not be heard,” reality of “#Kishida will kill me
The Kishida administration’s approval rating has been steadily declining and is at an all-time low.
According to the latest poll released by the Mainichi Shimbun, the Kishida administration’s approval rating has fallen to 25%.
Furthermore, when Prime Minister Kishida was asked by a reporter at a press conference on December 16 whether he would raise taxes on income, he replied
Kishida replied, “Regarding this (economic policy), we must realize a virtuous cycle of economic growth and wage increases for the next 15 years (until 2037) and firmly restore sustainability. The government will make every effort to eliminate the sense of burden in the economy as a whole.
This was interpreted as meaning that the government would raise wages so there would be no burden, and the Internet was abuzz.
In order to fund defense expenditures, which will increase to a total of 43 trillion yen over five years starting in FY2011, the government has decided to extend the “special income tax for reconstruction” and increase income tax, tobacco tax, and corporate tax by 1 trillion yen.
Prime Minister Kishida, during his election as president last year, said, “The consumption tax will remain in place for about 10 years.
“We will not consider raising the consumption tax for about 10 years,” he promised.
However, the introduction of the “invoice system” will effectively “increase consumption tax” because it will also collect consumption tax from tax-exempt businesses such as sole proprietors and freelancers with sales of 10 million yen or less.
In addition, a variety of additional burdens are being considered, including a reduction in retirement allowances, an increase in unemployment insurance premiums, a reduction in employees’ pensions, and a tax on the mileage of cars. At one point, the phrase “#Kishida will kill me” was trending. Mr. Kishida is not a man who has the “power to listen,” but rather, he has run amok, ignoring the voices of the people and even those within the LDP. He is trying to raise taxes by using his “power of not listening.
There is no way that the logic that it is okay to raise taxes because there will be wage increases in the future will hold water. Mr. Kishida’s family and close associates are all finance bureaucrats. The Ministry of Finance feels that the Kishida administration will collapse in the near future, and they may be thinking that they can raise taxes while Kishida listens to them. The Ministry of Finance is structured in such a way that bureaucrats who contribute to tax hikes get promoted to higher positions.
Akashi City Mayor Fusaho Izumi, whose population and tax revenues have continued to increase as a result of free medical care and school lunch for children, also tweeted
The news that “Prime Minister Kishida will raise wages even with the tax hike, so there will be no sense of burden” came through. I am beyond angry and saddened. Perhaps the prime minister really doesn’t get it.
That the people’s lives are suffering, that further burdens will be hard to bear, and that the prime minister is not supported by the people.
He laments. Izumi, who has successfully reduced the burden and turned the economy around, must think that the Kishida administration’s policy of raising taxes and burdens seems foolish to him.
In addition, Satoshi Fujii, a professor at Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Economics, also took to Twitter to express his support for Kishida’s policies
《Kishida cabinet’s approval rating plummeted to 25% (disapproval rating is 69%). Mr. Kishida, you have been ineffectual and ineffectual in your policy making, and yet you quickly and forcefully decide on a tax hike that will send the economy to hell. I wonder if there are really 25% of people who support ……?
He wonders even about the current approval rating.
Even though there will be no national elections in the next three years, if the Kishida administration’s approval rating continues to decline, the LDP may have a tough fight in next year’s local elections. On the other hand, however, there is little merit in holding a general election or resigning the cabinet, since the LDP will be safe for three years, and there may be a strong possibility that Kishida will remain in office.
Japan’s GDP per capita is projected to overtake that of South Korea and Taiwan, making it one of the “poorest” countries in Asia. Will the people be able to bear the increased burden of “taxes”?
Photo: Representative photo/Reuters/Afro