Shuji Murakoshi Youtube Channel Dissing Popular Senior Comedian!
Interview with Shuji Murakoshi: "To the comedians who say that a guy who is not funny is funny" "Hitoshi Matsumoto is dead as a comedian" and other shocking statements.

The YouTube page of a former comedian who announced his retirement at the end of August this year has shaken the comedy world. It is the “Comedy Neta Dissing Channel” of Shuji Murakoshi (50).
After the “King of Conte” in October of this year, he released a video in which he harshly criticized the material of the finalists. He criticized the winning team, “The Biscuit Brothers,” saying, “Sailor uniform and briefs is a culture festival level of taste nowadays. The criticism was not limited to junior comedians. He also criticized Takayuki Haranishi of FUJIWARA, saying that his gag preliminaries were too long, and even Hitoshi Matsumoto, who is revered as a god in the comedian world, said that his sense of humor was rusty, shocking comedy fans.
Murakoshi is a comedian who once boasted a cult following as the “lone gaga.” He said he first became aware of the profession of comedian when he was in the sixth grade of elementary school.
“At the time, I was watching ‘8 o’clock! All Together’ and ‘Ore-tachi Hyokinzoku,’ but I didn’t think either of them were funny. I was a sulky kid. But when I heard “Downtown” on the radio, which was then just starting to sell, I was shocked to hear that there was such a funny guy. That’s when I decided to become a comedian.
After graduating from high school, he entered NSC in 1992. His classmates, known as the “11th term of flowers,” included Kendo Kobayashi, Tomonori Jinnai, the Nakagawa Family, Hollywood Zakoshisho, Tamura Kenji, and many other mid-level comedians who support the current comedy world.
In 1995, Murakoshi was invited by Kenkova to form the “Most Dangerous Duo” and seemed to be on his way to becoming a successful comedian with a regular show. However, due to Murakoshi’s extreme “stage fright,” their popularity gradually waned, and they disbanded in 2000. Murakoshi left Yoshimoto.
Kenkova said to Murakoshi, “Ever since we were at NSC, he used to say to me, ‘You’re funny. When I told him that we were going to break up, he repeatedly tried to convince me that we would sell. I think he felt we had a similar taste in comedy.
He later returned to Yoshimoto as a pin comedian, but announced his retirement again in August of this year.
Of course, one of the reasons was that I couldn’t make a living,” he said. But comedians are not paid a fixed salary, so there is no need to go to the trouble of announcing my retirement.
Still, he dared to announce his retirement in order to reveal his true feelings about the comedy world, which he had been harboring for a long time.
There were many times when I thought, ‘This comedian is not funny. But the comedians around me were muttering on social media, “That was fun! But the comedians around me were muttering on social media, ‘That was funny! But the comedians around me were muttering on social media, “That was funny! If it wasn’t funny, they should have just said it wasn’t funny. I had this feeling of being in the dark, and at the age of 50, I decided to do what I wanted to do, so I started the “Comedy Disliker”. However, I don’t intend to force myself to be mean, I’m just expressing my true feelings that I’ve had since I was a comedian.
During the interview, he was nonstop dissing comedy from beginning to end.
‘I became a comedian because I admired Matsumoto san, so I am a Matsumoto follower at heart. That is why I was shocked when I saw his recent comedy shows and wondered where his old sense of humor had disappeared. I think Matsumoto san is dead as a comedian. The antagonists attack me saying, ‘Don’t talk big,’ but that’s fine. I’m having the time of my life right now.’
He is not dissing Matsumoto’s personality, but only his material. The man who has been freed from the world of comedy will continue to bark.

From the December 16, 2022 issue of FRIDAY
PHOTO: Kei Kato (1st photo)